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In Remembrance - Tributes

Gone, But Never Forgotten

We’ve lost many of our classmates over the years.  In some cases classmates, family and friends have provided tributes to those who have passed on.  These are sometimes difficult to obtain, so if you would like to post a memory about a classmate, please send an email to

The tributes displayed are sorted by the dates of our classmates' passing.

Steve Coughlin
July 14, 2024

Last evening, Stephen Coughlin, passed away after a valiant nine year fight with Idopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. His beloved wife, Toni, was right by his side as she had been every day for more than 55 years. His daughter, Bridget and his niece, Patti attended to all his needs ensuring love and comfort in last few days. Steve is now with his son Michael in God's loving care. ~ Bridget Kelley (Sean) 

​Steve's obituary at this link:

​Classmate Memories of Steve:

"I got to know Steve in English class in my senior year. Since we sat right next to each other so we got to be good friends. We went out a few times and he was my date for the senior ball. Had a really good time.
Sr year ended and we went in different directions. Fast forward. . .Steve and his wife Toni came to one of the reunions. I met Toni and we really hit it off. We kept in touch from then on through Christmas cards, etc. After Steve retired they moved to Sacramento. Clay and I live in Reno. They invited us to go RVing with them since we both have RVs. We joined their RV club in Sacramento and had a good time when we went with the group. He and Toni were a great couple, two of the nicest people I’ve ever known. I found Steve’s life to be so interesting mainly because I knew him before he branched out into the real world. While we have kept in touch with many people from our class, there are so many others that just disappeared. RIP Steve. Thank you for your service to our country and thank you for all your service to the city of South San Francisco in your 27 years on the police department.” ~ Sallie (Reiter) Thomas​

Jack Klein
May 9, 2024

Larry Medina notified us that Jack Klein passed away on May 9, 2024.  Larry added the following:

He was my friend and insurance agent. He was always there to help me and my family members with tough insurance problems. Always the right outcome. Plus, he was fun to party with, in our older age. He was a good and spectacular man!! I deeply mourn his passing. ~ Larry Medina

Classmate Memories of Jack:

“Bridget, this is one of the finest, most moving obituaries I’ve ever read, and it glows with your love and admiration for your beloved father, gone too soon. Steve and I were just casual, superficial buddies in high school, but now I feel like I’ve met the real, and extremely admirable guy. My deepest condolences to his family, his friends, and to you on the loss of a fine man.” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“He will be missed” ` Phyllis (Baxter) Green

“Such a wondersul life” ~ Ruth (Sharp) Foster

“Very sad news” ~ Phyllis (Rogers) Moore

“Great and friendly guy. By one chance in a million Jack and I ran into each other in Vietnam in early 1969. Captain Jack Klein, US Army Engineer Corps. We certainly enjoyed reminiscing about that chance meeting at our 50th class reunion. Jack's roommate in Vietnam was Tom Jurczenia.” ~ Dave Cranfield

“Tucker and I are sorry to hear of every classmate who passes away. It’s very sad.” ~ Beatrice (Neff) Trautman

“Jack lived down the street from our neighborhood. Was always a funny guy. Rest in Peace Jack.” ~ Nick Thompson

“What a sad loss. My condolences to his family and friends.” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“Nice guy! I remember him as a happy guy who was nice to talk to.”~ Pat (Barrett) Plant

“So sorry to hear. We had a lot of good laughs together!” ~ Victoria Jones

“I didn't know him well ' but I remember he was funny & usually had a smile for all ' May he Be at Rest”

~ Dorian (Pride) Stonebreaker

“I knew him, He was a good guy” ~ Chris Cellariud

Ruth Kidder
December 11, 2023

Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson sent the email below with the sad news that our classmate, Ruth Kidder, passed away on December 11, 2023.  

"I heard that Ruth Kidder passed away early this morning.  She had been living for quite some time in El Dorado Hills and enjoying her life.    I do not have any details but as her ex-husband  said, "she left this world much like she lived her life with class and dignity."  

Classmate Memories of Ruth:

"I’m devastated. I have so many great memories with Ruthie from the age of 7 or 8. What happened? We reconnected later in life and would meet at the mall and shop our tails off. My mother’s memory was of Ruthie and I cutting Sunday school and going to the corner store and stealing candy. My mother never forgot that and said oh no she’s a bad influence lol. A bunch of us would go to the family cabin on Robin Hood Lane in Boulder Creek . What fun we had. Boy girls parties and spin the bottle. I love Ruthie.” ~ Julie Triano

“Ruthie was a dear friend since we met in middle school. Her family lived just in back of us when we lived on Brittan Ave.. Our backyards joined.  We were close friends throughout high school and remained so throughout our adult lives. Our little group of 5 ( Ruthie, Sue, Alicia and Kathy) had get togethers as a mini-reunion at Ruthies house. Some of us came from across the country. Although we lived on different coasts, we always kept in touch with Christmas cards and birthday wishes.  Ruthie, you will be missed. Our fabulous "5" is now the fabulous "4"

May you rest in peace and pain free.  Love you,” ~ Pat (DiAndrea) French

“What sad news.  I have such great memories of Ruth, and in every one of them, she's smiling that mega-watt smile.  My deepest condolences to her family and friends.” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“Such sad news to wake up to.  So many memories of Ruthie, but when I think of her my mind goes back to third grade at Brittan Acres. I had moved to San Carlos from Palo Alto and didn't know a soul.  Ruthie immediately took me under her wing and accepted me into her group of friends which included Joann Kinney, Alecia Jones, Kathy Pew and I think maybe Lynn and Cathy Walker.  One of our favorite games to play at recess was "Bunnies".  We would chase each other around the playground, squealing in high pitched, helium induced type voices and try to grab each other's "tails"...sort of like tag but with our own spin.  Guess you had to have been there, but it was a much simpler time and the memories stand out vividly in my mind.  Ruthie was always coming up with fun ideas of things to do.  Rest in Peace, dear lady, you will be sorely heart is hurting.” ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel

“OmG! She was a bright light in my high school memories. How sad. Im sure she will be missed.” ~ Pat (Barrett) Plant

“I have a lot of fun memories of Ruthie from High School.  She was a very caring person and will be missed.  Rest in Peace Ruthie!”

~ Sue (Meagher) Martin

“Oh this makes me terribly sad ' so many memories with her at dances & bowling ' shopping @ Macy's and having more than one Come to Jesus conversation ' she was beautiful & delightful ' kindhearted & generous in nature ' I will miss her”  ~ Dorian (Pride) Stonebraker

“Ruth , was one of the kindest persons ! Having moved from Campbell Ca. To San Carlos in the 7th grade was very hard ! Being the “ New Kid”

Was hard ! But I’ll never forget how friendly and kindhearted Ruth was to me ! She was pretty inside and out !!” ~ Larry Benevento

“I didn’t know Ruthie well but she radiated sunshine, sorry to lose such a bright star, my condolences to her family and close friends.”

~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon

“So sorry to hear Ruthie passed away! She was a great friend!” ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer

“This was a bit of a shock! Prior to her moving to El Dorado, we got together for Bunco and league bowling. She had such an awesome personality” ~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

"Awe she was such a special friend and our thoughts and prayers are with her family! She had a great sense of humor and we always loved to laugh together!" ~ Lynn (Walker) North

“I had good memories of Ruth in high school sorry to hear about her passing God bless her” ~ Chris Cellariud

“Very sad....worked with her at Sequoia Hospital. A lovely lady. May she rest in peace.” ~ Catherine Duggan

"You will be missed Old friend." ~  Sharon (Scharetg) Wells-Hoffman

Mike McCaffery
September 23, 2023

“I received a message from Mike’s daughter, that Mike passed the 23rd of September.  Mike had been in declining health for the last couple of years. His wife of 50+ years passed away last year and could tell the loss was hard on Mike. After High School Mike joined the Marines, served in Viet Nam, returned back the the Bay Area and after a couple of years moved to Utah. He will be missed by his family and friends. Semper Fi, Mike, RIP” ~ Al Nix

Classmate Memories of Mike:

“I reconnected with him shortly after he lost his wife of 52 years. He was in so much grief and she and their children were his whole life. We were going to email and just chat. He could not do that because of his great grief” ~ Julie Triano

“Another sad reminder of our aging high school friends :-( Mike was a fun guy. I remember him as a good classmate.”. ~ Pat (Barrett) Plant

“Sorry to hear about Mike. We played sports together, football and more. The last time I saw him was in Vietnam where he was a aircraft mechanic in Mag 12 or 13. I had been there for year and gave him the scoop about Chu Lai. Our SeaBee group had all the good stuff like boots and more, so I loaded him up. He told everyone was smoking weed back home, and I discovered this when I came home. Happy days.”  ~ Steve Hazelton

“My sincerest condolences to his family.  I remember him as a very nice, hard-working individual.  His service to the Marines in those trying times stands him well apart from most others.  RIP!” ~  John Tigue

“Sorry to hear about Mike. May he rest in peace with his loving wife!” ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer 

“So many memories of Mike Mac ' he & David McKay ' my 1st love & 1st husband were the best of friends ' they were nicknamed the Double Macs' he was one kick ass football player ' but off the field quiet & polite ' he enjoyed my fathers stories (a former COL USMC) Semper Fi.  He & David were rarely apart' either at each other's homes or on the football field practicing - a great sadness in my heart to hear of his passing Rest in Power the other Mac.”

~ Dorian (Pride) Stonebreaker

“I’m so sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. I still remember cheering for him during all those football games. What great memories of a real athlete. My condolences to his family and friends.” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“Thanks for the high school football memories, Mike. RIP.” ~ Simone Best

“I’m so sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. He was a great guy.” ~ Gary Kenney

“Mike and I were good friends in high school and out of high school he graduated in 65 I graduated in 66 Mike and I did a lot of things together surf Safari and my 55 Chevy down Southern California and when Mike returned from Vietnam he lived with me in San Carlos we both went to Kenyatta high school and Mike and I got jobs at while we were at the college there at the college working in the P department and Mike was always not there and the janitor would always ask where is Mike and I'd say oh he's doing something else and Mike finally met his girlfriend or his wife while we are going to Kenyatta and then he moved out and during his wedding we had a wedding with wedding there and Redwood City or Woodside I can't remember and then Mike moved to Utah and I lost I lost the talking to him for a long time and years went by and Mike fill me up around 1980s I think it was from Utah and I sure miss Mike we had a great time together and me and Dave McKay we are all good friends together and did a lot of things together God bless Mike I miss him a lot.”

~ Chris Cellariud

“Great guy and tremendous athlete sad loss.” ~ Jeff Taylor

“Very sad to hear of Mike's passing. He was a very good football player and played with me on the Varsity. Glad that he made it out of VietNam alive. Don Richardson didn't make it back. I think he serving as helicopter machine gunner.” ~ Dan Koon

“Mike was a good friend…I remember cutting and selling firewood during the summertime and on the San Carlos Hi wrestling team together…”

~ Ed Engeldinger

Gail (Conrad) Ayres
September 6, 2023

Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer gave us the sad news on facebook that Gail (Conrad) Ayres passed away on September 6, 2023.  I remember Gail's great sense of humor and lively nature - she was always fun to be around. Joani writes: 

Gail Conrad Conrad Ayres passed away on 9-6-23.  She was a great friend for many years! Best friend ever! I love you - and Morgan and Kyle!”

Classmate Memories of Gail:

“Rest in peace Gail. Thanks for checking up on me these last 2+ years.” ~ John Caukins

“Sorry to hear that. She was a nice girl in high school” ~ Janet (Beck) Burrell   

 “I liked her, too” ~ Phyllis (Baxter) Green

“Oh no! Prayers for all who were close to her and her family -I’m so very sorry to hear this” ~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon

“Such a sweetheart. We’ve been connecting on FB” ~ Julie Triano

“What a sad loss. I have such fond memories of Gail. My deepest condolences to her family and friends”

~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“Oh no, she & I had so much fun together, attended many parties at her PA home and we corresponded often via FB & messenger - sending love & healing light to her children & extended family” ~ Dorian (Pride) Stonebraker

"Fun memories with Gail. RIP" ~ Michele (Marino) Hunter

"Awe I am so sorry as she was such a great friend and so fun! Life is so precious and sending her family our love and thoughts! Love and hugs." ~ Lynn (Walker) North

“I loved her. I’m so sad. Condolences to her family." ~ Ruthie Kidder

"Many many strong prayers to all her family & friends" ~   Bette (Galvin) Cates

“How sad! Gail was a fun friend! Bless her family as they adjust to this loss." - Pat (Barrett) Plant

"Gail and I were friends in 7th and 8th grade at Goodwin school and freshman year at Woodside High School. I lost contact with her somehow. I did see and talk to her at the 2015 50th  Reunion. (I think it was that year) R.I.P. Gail. My condolences to your family!" ~ Jackie (Martin) Reed

"This is such sad news. I was always fond of Gail, and we laughed and laughed and had such fun in school. RIP Gail" ~ Gary Kenney

"Yes I remember her well God bless her." ~ Chris Cellariud

"So sad to hear that. My thoughts go out to her son Kyle.. Many memories !" ~ Cheryl Maguire

James "Corky" Cost
August 14, 2023

Kailey Cost writes "From my mother: It is with great sadness that our family shares that Jim “Corky” Cost passed away peacefully this morning. He is cradled lovingly in God’s hands and back together with his brothers Jud and Jeff. Please keep him and all our families in your prayers. A celebration of life will be held in September and we will let everyone know the details in the near future. Thank you to everyone for all of your support and love." 

Classmate Memories of James:

“I actually thought that, because Jim “Corky” Cost was in hospice, knowing the inevitable would soften the loss, but I was wrong. My heart is breaking for all of his family, his multitude of friends, and me. Corky’s been my good buddy since 7th grade, so this is a hard, hard loss of a dear friend. My deepest condolences to his family, his friends, and everyone who ever knew him.” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

“Corky was a friend, neighbor, and amazing boy who grew to be a terrific man. Through his life he had a great sense of humor and was the very definition of “the life of the party.” He will be missed by many.  With many sweet memories.” ~ Pat Barrett Plant

“We all grew up together and he was always so fun and such a great person! Our thoughts and prayers are with his family as the world is a little dimmer tonight! Love and hugs always” ~ Lynn (Walker) North

“Thank you Cynthia. My heart is with you.” ~ Kathy (Casey) Nelson-Pacheco

“Corky took me down Edgewood road once in that 289 Cobra he once owned. We were going a million miles an hour with just a roll bar over us and I just knew in my heart that we were not going to make that sharp turn coming up…..but that car went around that turn without even squealing the tires. I am still amazed at that and will never forget that ride. Thank you Jim!  And for all those times at the Fremont Drag strip.” ~ Phil Thomas

“Wow, this one really hurts. We were childhood friends and  we were pretty much  inseparable in junior high.  I spent many an afternoon playing in Corky's yard on St. Frances Way,  along with Mike Kirkorian, Jim McBride and Ted Remmers. In the fifth grade,  in either Mrs. Rentz or Mrs. Combs class, we had so much fun on the first day, so for the rest of the year we were separated on opposite sides of the classroom. I remember we were both fascinated by the late fifties TV show, "The Untouchables" and would dress up in long coats and fedoras, trying to imitate the 1920's style. Mr. Cost used to call me "killer" and referred to Corky and I as Mutt and Jeff, because of our obvious height difference. By the time high school rolled around, we were hanging around in different groups. Corky was into the student council and I was into just having a good time. After I returned from the  service in 1970, I turned hippie, went to junior college and eventually moved to Oregon, so I kinda lost touch with things happening in San Carlos.  Since my step father was a San Carlos fireman, he would always try to keep me abreast of Corky's law enforcement career in San Carlos, Palo Alto or wherever. I remember seeing Corky at the first high school reunion I attended in 1985 and telling him how much he looked like his dad. I 'm sure that he didn't really like hearing that for the millionth time but he took the off handed compliment with a wry smile. Corky was always a good guy. I tried to reach out to him a few years ago,  when I heard about his health challenges but I'm afraid just to much time had gone by and he probably didn't feel comfortable sharing that information.  Rest in peace old friend and see you on the other side.” ~ Steve Sanders.

“Rest in peace my good man.” ~ John Calkins

“I’m so very very sorry for this tremendous loss; this leaves a very large hole in my heart.” ~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon

“I have no words. I’m so very sorry to lose this incredible human.” ~ Lynn (Rasey) Weitzenberg

“He truly made a difference with his life well lived.” ~ Robin (Ray) MacRae

“I am crying  right now after hearing the news that my friend and work mate at Ampex corporation in 1966-67 has died ! God speed my dear friend ! You made a difference! See you in a few years!” ~ Larry Benevento

“I am so sorry to hear this. Jim was such a wonderful man. My condolences go out to his family and all his friends.” ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson

“Such sad news...” ~ Gary Kenney

“I'm so sorry to hear this I have so many great memories of c o r k y my deepest condolences to you and your family” ~ Ruth (Sharp) Foster

“He was the vibe of the Class of 65.  Best guy ever... “ ~ Larry Medina

“RIP Corky, prayers to all your family” ~ Bette Galvin-Cates

“I was blessed to have known him from school. He was a cute kid.” ~ Phyllis (Baxter) Green

“Sharing my love & caring to the Cost family. Corky is the best of what was so perfect about life living in San Carlos in the Fifties. Every holiday was full of laughs & smiles. Excellent schools! We loved going to the movies there, plus $$ was not a problem. Even though many of us have moved on to other locations. San Carlos gave us our foundation & Corky Cost was my friend & my neighbor.”  ~ Linda Pugh

“Old memories....he was fun and funny. Made me laugh. To family: may you find comfort in your friends and family.” ~ Claudette Bergman

“Our Chief of Staff ' he was so loved by all his classmates at San Carlos High Class of 65' I will miss you Corky ' Rest in Power ‘.”

~ Dorian (Pride) Stonebreaker

“My heart is broken for him leaving this earth and for his loved ones . I can’t describe what a difference he made in my life everyday and how he made me laugh and feel loved. Rest in Paradise my friend until we meet again.” ~ Julie Triano

“Sending much love and condolences to Corky’s family who he loved so totally and completely. As one of many old high school pals, one who loved the kindness and humor that Corky always displayed here, his passing leaves a hole in many of our hearts. I always felt he acted as a sincere honest and benevolent Mayor of our group.. rest in peace Corky” ~ Lisa Wenner

“We grew up in the best of times and Corky was the best of the best. My thoughts and prayers go to his wonderful family and friends who all loved him. I cry when I think about him and many of us will sure miss his posts about JoJo. I am so sad. He was loved by so many.  RIP dear Corky.”

~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

“So sad to hear of his passing. I remember seeing him and calling him Corky, not realizing his standing as a police officer. He corrected me on calling him Corky. I said sure, CORKY. I got that look and great smile.” ~ Dianna Smith

Joseph Munday
July 3, 2023

We received the sad news that our ‘65 classmate, Joe Munday, passed away on July 3, 2023.  I've known Joe for years, growing up in San Carlos and playing together on various youth sports teams.  He was a kind and caring man, one of the nicest I've ever met.  Harold Schefski (SC’64) was a very close friend of Joe and provided this additional information:  

With a heavy heart I am informing you of Joe Munday's passing on Monday, July 3rd.  Joe fought cancer for fifteen years as a result of agent orange exposure in Viet Nam.  He was a Navy medic serving the Marines in the thick of combat.  I have been in touch with his wife Leisa ,who will keep me posted about a future memorial service.  Joe loved sports and was a rabid Atlanta Braves fan.  At San Carlos High School Joe was on the cross -country team. He worked for many years as a radiation therapist at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, CA. I would like to write in more detail about Joe for the website  since I knew him since middle school when we sold papers together in San Carlos.  Joe was the best of human beings and deserves acknowledgement for a life well lived.   Harold Schefski ('64)

Classmate Memories of Joe:

“I had Joe in many of my classes at SCHS ! He was always kind and well met ! Joe always greeted you as though you were his best friend! I loved seeing him at our class reunions ! Rest in peace dear Joe ! Your memory lives on !” ~ Larry Benevento 

“Joe was such a warm kind person. I always saw him in the neighborhood delivering papers, and I had several classes with him. A friend and I visited Joe and his wife in Newport Beach when we were in Southern CA. Rest in peace Joe and thank you for all you gave to others.” ~ Sallie Reiter Thomas

“We became friends through church, which continued through high school. He really was a gentle soul. Condolences to his family and sister.” ~ Teresa (Doty) Gill


“I remember that beautiful face and his kind eyes.” ~ Judith (Price) Green


“Very sad news. It was good seeing Joe at our October 2022 reunion at the Sequoia Yacht Club.” ~ Dave Cranfield


“Tall & handsome ' soft spoken & kind ' we didn't run in the same crowd but such a great personable guy ' may he RIP”

~ Dorian Antoinette Elizabeth (Pride) Stonebraker


"I met Joe at several class reunions and he was a classy, kind, considerate, gallant man.“ ~ Patricia Lindberg


“It was so nice to see Joe at our class reunion. What a nice and personable man.” ~ Laurie Edmonds Johnson

“Sorry to learn of Joe's passing.  I ran cross country and track with Joe at San Carlos High School.  Joe was a great guy and a better distance runner than I was.  We used to run distances together even after graduation, but I went away to college at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and lost touch with Joe.  I remember him being a devoted fan of the Atlanta Braves. I moved to Redwood City just prior to my senior year in high school, so I only knew Joe for a little over one year, but I learned very quickly that he was a very thoughtful and kind human being, and he became one of my best friends at San Carlos High School. After college, I entered the Marine Corps and served for five years.  After that, I got jobs in Idaho, Illinois, and Washington State, rarely returning to the Bay Area.  I'm sorry I was not able to get in contact with Joe again after moving away after high school graduation.” ~ Ron Higgins

“I remember Joe from our early days as we were neighbors from first grade until seventh grade. He was a great person then and it sounds like he remained so for the rest of his life. My condolences to his family” ~ Bob Balekian

“Sorry to hear about the passing of Joe. I'm also sorry I didn't get to know him better.  I always recognized him immediately at every reuion.He seemed to be a " genuine good guy" in an unassuming way.  From what you said about his service in Vietnam as a Navy corpsman, I got the impression he was the definition of what it means to be a "real hero". I'm sure a lot of Marines, who knew him, would agree whole heartly. I not quite sure why I felt so moved to make a comment about Joe's passing. It's probably because he was a fellow veteran who chose to serve his country, at very confusing time. Well done,Joe!” ~  Steve Sanders

“As a Navy medic, Joe was a true hero.  One thing I remember most about Joe was his positive attitude.  He never appeared to be depressed.  I am sure that his positive attitude on the battlefield gave the wounded Marines that he cared for "hope".  After graduation, Joe and I lost track of each other.  It was not until the 2015 reunion that we met up again and kept in touch until now.  One regret I have about losing track of each other is that Joe told me he worked in Saudi Arabia and that he took 2 vacations to Turkey.  He told me that he loved Turkey very much.  I happened to be working in Ankara, Turkey in the same time frames that he took his two vacations.  Even though we were unable to meet in Turkey, Joe and his wife had a great time on their vacations.” ~ John Raye

“Thank you Harold for writing about Joe. I didn’t know him but my best friend’s husband was also a medic in Vietnam and had many health issues from Agent Orange.” ~ Diane Courland Sperling


“So sorry. I remember him playing sports. We are headed down the same path unfortunately.” ~ James Kilburg (SC’66)


“I knew Joe even though he was older than me. What a great guy! Sail on faithful friend.” ~ Margary Boyack Broadbent


“RIP, Joe. Joe looks very familiar. Though I'm a 68 grad our paths must have crossed. My condolences to Joe's family and friends and my appreciation for his service to our country.” ~ Jim Henderson

Magnus Eriksson
April 24, 2023

Today we were given the sad news that our classmate, Magnus Eriksson, had passed away on April 24, 2023. We understand Magnus had a heart attack and called paramedics, but passed before they could arrive.  While at San Carlos High, Magnus was a member of several sports teams and enjoyed performing in many school plays. Below is a message from his sister Maria. 

"I am Magnus’ sister Maria from Sweden.  I also attended San Carlos High, class of 1974.  I have lived in Sweden since 1986 and although Magnus came to visit a few times during the years, we didn’t have frequent contact.  So sad that he died alone in his house.  He was a kind person.  We were very close when I was younger and living together at home. I got a call from my cousin whose daughter Linda had frequent contact with Magnus but hadn’t been able to contact him.  She even tried calling the Arizona Sun City police but didn’t get through.

Magnus loved dogs and took care of many dogs over the years.  His remains are being sent to Sweden and I am planning his burial in his paternal grandmother, grandfather and father’s cemetery grave in a church called Norrsunda, about an hour north of Stockholm where his grandparents lived.  He wanted to be with them.  He has lots of family here on our mother’s side, many cousins, cousins’ children and even their children. I like knowing that he has not been forgotten.”

Classmate Memories of Magnus:

“Magnus was a close friend of Anita Cecil and a very nice guy.”  ~ Judith (Price) Green


“Remembered. So sorry for friends and family.” ~ James Martin Kilburg


“Magnus lived next door to me for a few years and treated me like a little brother. Great guy.” ~ Philip Ashford


“What very sad news about a great guy. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.” ~ Rochelle (Althouse) Oberholser


“I’m really sorry to hear of this.  Magnus and I were in the same P.E. Class for two years and got along great.  All my Blessings to the Ericsson Family.” ~ Joe Munday


“How sad. I remember him as a nice guy. Sad that these sort of notification comes more often as we age.” ~ Pat Plant


“I remember Magnus. Our condolences to his family.” ~ John Maltby

Tom Keeslar
March 16, 2023

From Tom Keeslar’s wife, Karen: “We moved from California to North Carolina in October 2021 and Tom really loved it here.  He had a heart condition along with other health issues and my Tom passed away on March 16, 2023.  Tom was proud to be a member of your high school class.  I would be grateful if you would share this news with his classmates.”I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Tom's obituary is at this link: Thomas Keesler

Classmate Memories of Tom:

“My first many memories with this great guy” ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel


“Tom was such a sweet man. Always so nice.” ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson


“Way back when, ZZ Top released a song entitled Sharp Dressed Man it reminded me of Tom. Always impeccably dressed.”

~ Dave Cranfield


“Nice guy.” ~ Larry Medina


“So sorry to his family for their loss” ~ Sharon (Scharetg) Wells-Hoffman


“Tom was a handsome guy” ~ Vickie Jean Bailey


“Sorry to hear about Tom I knew him in high school he's a Class of 65 I was a class 66 he was a great guy and ran around

with him when we were in high school.” ~  Chris Cellariud

Marc Klein
September 7, 2022

"Yesterday, I called my good friend, kindred spirit and fellow journeyer, Marc Klein,  The girl who answered the phone asked how I knew Marc . I said he was an old, old friend. She paused for a second and said solemnly that Marc had passed away. A tear formed in my eye. She was kind enough to give me his sister's and mother's phone numbers.

  I called his sister and asked about Marc. She said he died of a heart attack while playing games with friends on September 7th, just days after his 75th birthday.

  I talked with Helen, his mother. She will turn 100 at the end of this week.  She described how she and Marc's sisters, Debbie and Lisa loved him and supported him through all his darkest days. She said she had happy memories of all his high school friends 

  I loved Marc. I understood him better than most people because I have lived through similar dark days.

  He will be remembered for his soccer playing, his graduation from Yale and UCLA Law School, his smile his laugh, his sense of humor and the strong friendships he made and maintained.

  I will miss him! I wish he could have made the years reunion." ~ George Crooks

Classmate Memories of Marc:

 "My family's ties with the Klein family go back to elementary/Jr. high days, when Marc, Harold Schefski, and I prepped together for Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth Jacob in Redwood City. Later, when my dad was laid off from work, Marc's dad

 Sam provided my dad (also named Sam) with employment. But it wasn't until high school that Marc and I became best of friends as classmates in Don Richardson's Russian classes and Russian Club (where lifelong friendships also began with Ed Mitchell, Paul Dixon, George Crooks, Dave Swartling, Harold Schefski, and Don Richardson).

  Marc was fun-loving, brilliant, and intense. Voted "Most Likely to Succeed" by classmates in the senior-year poll, the sky was the limit for him...but "dark days" (mental illness) would eventually drag him down. Through it all--the best and the worst of times--love and support from family and friends were never in short supply (George Crooks among the most devoted).

  Don's gone. Eddie's gone. Now Marc--a piece of my heart taken with each passing. I will raise a glass at the reunion to these extraordinary people and the amazing times we had together as soulmates." ~ Alan Ellis

"Marc was part of that first Russian class at SC High in Fall, l961.  He was brilliant and yet always down to earth.  I knew him as well from our shared Jewish education at Temple Beth Jacob.  Marc was so impressive that someone played word games with his name and called him ReMARCably EnKLEINed.  Don Richardson visited him more than once—that's how much he thought of him and his great potential.  Sorry to hear of his passing." ~ Harold Schefski '64

"I’m so very sorry, when I was going out with Ed Mitchell, he and Marc and Allan Ellis were very close and we sent many hours together; my sincere condolelences to his family and to you George and his close friends." ~ Louise Andrews/Harmon

"My sympathies and love to all Marc's close friends and relatives. I knew Marc and considered him a friend in High School. My deepest memory is of a time when I had been acting or showing off or, I'm not even sure what to call what I was doing. But the thing I was doing was hurtful and thoughtless. Marc and his Dad, who happened to be at the school that day, stopped me and told me in the very nicest way that I was doing was unkind. I never forgot how they talked to me and how gentle they both were. I knew of Marc's troubles through our mutual friend Ed and was able to inquire about Marc each time I saw Ed. But over these many years Marc has been on my mind as a number of people in my family have lived with and through those darkest days that George has referred to. I once thought I saw Marc in a park in San Francisco, possible, but probably not. He was an old pal I carried with me in thought through the years. Peace to you Marc." ~ Lisa Wenner

"I’m terribly sorry to hear this sad news.  Marc was such a terrific guy and a good buddy. He was sweet, friendly, funny, and so, so smart. It comes as no surprise to hear he attended Yale and then UCLA Law School; there was never any doubt that he was headed for the big time.  I hate to hear that he had dark times, and I hope the greater part of his life was filled with joy and laughter.  My deepest condolences go to his family and friends." ~ Shelley Althouse Oberholser

"Dear George:  Thank you for the lovely words you dedicated to your friend Marc.

No, I wasn't a friend, only a classmate, but your message made me feel your friendship and support for a good friend.

That's what we need now. RIP Marc." ~ Simone Best

"Marc was a great guy and a gentle soul. I certainly enjoyed attending high school with him. Sorry to say I never saw him at any of our reunions." ~ Dave Cranfield

"Tucker and I are very sad to hear of Marc’s passing.  Another wonderful classmate of ours gone." ~ Beatrice (Neff) & Tucker Trautman

"Marc was a wonderful young man - I wish I had known him later in life. God speed and RIP" ~ Steve Sutherland

"I'm so saddened to hear this news about Marc.    I remember him to be one of the brightest minds of our class , confident about who he was and optimistic about the future.  Thank you George for those kind touching words.  My deepest sympathies to Marc's family." ~ Cliff Castle

"Would have never made it through Biology without him. Was my lab partner. Many years later I moved to Scottsdale and I looked up and he was walking into the department I was working at in Nordstrom. He was down on vacation and heard I was working there and stopped by to say Hello. My best to his family." ~ Cheryl Maguire

"Oh, my. One of my very favorite 1965ers. Many great, happy memories from our times with the Don Carlos and Ed Mitchell." ~ Julia Frisch

"I was in school with Marc for all of my childhood through high school. Such a smart kid. Here’s a photo from my birthday party on St Francis Way about 1955 with Marc. Also shows Janey Franklin, Stan Walker, Jimmy McBride, and my brother John." ~ James Cost

Candy (Peterson) Hofer
September 6, 2022

Sad news today. One of my oldest friends passed away in Yakama, WA yesterday. Candy Peterson (Hofer) died from multiple health issues. Her loving husband, Rick Hofer, was by her side as she slipped her eartly bonds.  She & I were in Kindergarten (with Ted Remmers) at White Oaks School. We were friends ever since. We were always in touch via Facebook and she loved hearing about California. She missed our artichokes and Dungeness Crabs. Candy will be missed by many.  She was such a nice person. She fought so hard against her health issues. A sad day. Goodbye, sweetie. ~ James Cost

Classmate Memories of Candy:

"I am shocked. Candy was such a sweetheart. May she RIP." ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson

"She had the best laugh! My condolences to family and friends." ~ Claudette Bergman

"I didn't really know Candy, but it is always a sad thing to hear of another classmate's death.  Looking at her lovely, youthful senior photo and knowing she grew old with the rest of us, and is now gone, is just a very sad reminder of how fast time goes." ~ Beatrice (Neff) Trautman

Kim (Martin) Walker
June 14, 2022

We received the sad news today that Kim (Martin) Walker passed away at 9:00 am this morning.  Kim had her family and friends with her when she succumbed to the liver/pancreatic cancer disease which we reported to you in April of last year.  Kim had actively supported our class over many years for special events, reunions and parties, and she will be missed.  

Classmate Memories of Kim:

"Kim will be missed ! The class of ‘65 and all those who attended our reunions will miss her!" ~ Larry Benrvento

"I didn’t really know her, but I knew she worked diligently on the reunions.   I’m sorry to hear she died as I am for any of our other classmates." ~ Beatrice (Neff) Trautman

"I remember Kim as always happy. She had a great smile, laughed alot and had kind disposition. I'm so sorry we've lost her" ~. Victoria Jones

"A high school classmate passed away today from pancreatic/liver cancer after being diagnosed April 2021.  Didn't know her very well Godspeed, Kim Walker." ~ Jim Taylor

"Goodbye Kim! What sad news to hear about her passing. I did not know Kim well in high school. I got to know her about 10 or so years later when she started communicating with all us ‘65 grads about a reunion. One reunion followed another and she did a terrific job of finding us and encouraging everyone to attend. She also researched missing friends to find those who seemed to be “lost.”  If it hadn’t been for her efforts we might have all scattered and never reconnected. Kim gave us all a wonderful gift we should be all be grateful for. Bless her heart!"

~ Pat (Barrett) Plant

"Kim was my first girlfriend in high school. I saw her in February when she thought her cancer was doing better and I was so impressed with her indomitable spirit when she felt she could beat it. So sorry to hear of her passing, she will be missed by so many friends and family." ~ Jim Tubb

"Thanks for all your help with our reunions. Rip" ~ Jan (Hanson) Earsley                 "So sad, prayers to her family" ~ Bette Galvin-Cates

"Kim was such a sweetheart. I loved working with her on the reunion committee. Always upbeat even when reunion stuff wasn’t going as planned. Such a doll. I was looking forward to seeing her at the 75th birthday party. She will be missed by everyone she touched." ~ James Cost

"So sorry to hear this. I know it's a horrible disease, my sister died from it." ~ Kathy (Casey) Nelson-Pacheco

"This is quite an emotional day for me. I met Kim the first day of high school very first class which was Mr Gill's speech class. Both our moms wanted us to take this class. We became friends from then on. We partied together. We traveled together. Last I saw her we had a little dance together at a music gig. She was then fighting her cancer. I was amazed at her spirit that evening. I will always treasure all the fun times we had. RIP Kim." ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson

"Great person we had many a good time at the Iron Gate." ~ Larry Medina

"I remember Kim as always be kind and friendly to me. My prayers for her family" ~ Diane (Arieta) Gibbons

"Kim was a huge part of the reunion commitees that I was a small part of. Her very hard work with others always made those events very successful. I’m so sorry to hear of her passing, a great loss. I pray that her family will find comfort in memories of a life well lived."

~ Ted Remmers

"How sad. A lovely lady. I can well imagine the personal hours she put in to our many reunions over the years. All of which I thoroughly enjoyed."

~Dave Cranfield

"I didn’t really know her but her energy was amazing at the reunions, especially her dancing and she looked to be full of joy" ~ Julie Triano

"She always told me at the reunions that everybody asked her if she was Cary’s and my sister and she said no. Rest in peace Kim"

~ Jackie Martin-Reed

"What sad news. She was such a gentle, sweet girl. I literally can’t remember ever seeing her without that lovely smile. My condolences to her family and friends." ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

"I'm so sorry to hear this sad news." ~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon      "I'm so sorry to hear this. She was a very special lady." ~ Julia Frisch (SC'64)

Robert Clements
February 11, 2022

We are saddened to learn that our '65 classmate, Robert Clements, passed away on Friday, February 11, 2022.  Bob attended CSM after High School, was a military veteran and worked briefly as a County Forest Ranger before pursuing a career as an expert carpenter for over 40 years.  Bob loved hunting and ranching, raising horses and cattle in the Fallon Nevada area.  Bob had three children, Melissa, Sarah and Rebecca Clements, and five grandchildren.  

Caralyn Martin-Joynes provided this video of the tribute she gave at Robert's Life Memorial Celebration in April 2022 

Classmate Memories of Robert:

"Bob was a good guy in HS.  Good memories." ~ James Cost

“Always so interesting to see what people went on to do.  My sympathy to his family.” ~ Sue (Carrere) Magruder

“I am so sorry to hear this. He was such a great man” ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson

“Bob and I had wood shop together! He cut off part of his thumb and I picked it out of the sawdust and handed it to our shop teacher! He went to the hospital and had it sewed back on! We became friends after that event.  Bob was a happy guy!”  ~ Larry Benevento

Caralyn Martin-Joynes added to Larry's story above: "In one year he was on a wood-shop class. A very pretty girl walked in the door.  He looked  up and sliced his finger half off"  

"The song I’ll always remember is "Angel Baby".  It was the song that played at a "Sock Hop" at Goodwin Middle School.  The boys were on one side of the room and the girls on the opposite site. So when a song started to play, the boys or girls went across the room to ask for a dance.  Bob picked me and we danced to all the other songs that were played that night.   It's one of the best memories I have of Bob.  I’ve known him since 1959 in 7th grade.  We got together in 1978, and had a beautiful child together in 1983, Melissa.  He has always been on my mind  because he was my first love."  ~ Caralyn Martin-Joynes

"It appears Robert enjoyed a good life and gave back to it..." ~ Robert Enger

“Robert and I grew up together.  He was a good friend.  May he rest in peace.” ~ Richard Leitritz

“Bob and I were best friends in high school. I learned so many things from Bob, how to rebuild a car engine, how to ride a horse, even how to pull all the feathers off a dead pheasant.  We had many adventures in his 48 Willys jeep. He was great friend.

May he rest in peace.”  ~ Craig Wirth

“Sad news - thoughts to his family.” ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer

“I remember Bob's seemingly endless supply of 1957 Chevys, and like others his famous thumb.

At the 20th reunion a trivia question was "Who cut off his finger in wood shop?"  I got the answer, and visited with Bob later to thank him for removing his digit. He told me that Sharon (I think it was Sharon Spence?) had come in to collect the attendance report. Well, like most of us guys when it involved Sharon, he lost focus on the saw and not losing sight of Sharon; OPPS. I was able to fill him in on the rest of the story. After Larry Benevento found the dearly departed thumb, Sheldon Frisella told me, he was volunteered to take the finger to the nurse's office. A few years later I was dating Geri Markland, and she told me that she had gone to the nurse's office, and while waiting, got curious about the paper towel on the counter. She lifted the towel, and after realizing what she was looking at, out like a light!  Bob loved the tail of the missing thumb.  Bob, you're gone but never forgotten!!” ~ Tim Penning

Susan (Pearson) Hasbrouck
January 29, 2021

It is with great sadness and love that we mourn the loss of Susan Pearson Hasbrouck on January 29, 2021 from the Covid virus. She will be missed by many loving family members and friends but is at peace forever now.  The Hasbrouoch Family 

Classmate Memories of Susan:

"This is so sad. She was in some of my classes and we spoke with each other quite often." ~  Joe Munday


"I’m so terribly sad. She was a lovely girl. May she Rest In Peace. Love to her family." ~ Donna DiGiovanni Camera  (SC’63)


"She is so beautiful " ~ Walter Albertsen


"Oh I'm so very sorry. I knew her well. She was a kind soul" ~ Sue Kjeldsen

Edward Mitchell
December 21, 2020

Our classmate Durward Brandis narrated a heartfelt tribute to Ed Mitchell.  

Please take a few minutes to watch Durward's touching video memory of his friend.

Classmate Memories of Ed:

"Friendships don't get any tighter than what Eddie and I had over a 60-year span. Our own brand of zany humor transported us to another universe, tears rolling down our cheeks (not infrequently prompting those around us to move to safe ground). Never did I cry so much from joy. But there was the serious side of the relationship as well--politics, religion, family, literature, academics, sports, music, you name it--passionate and unabridged as could be. Yet it was as a "team player" that he shined brightest--devoted to his friends, devoted to the welfare of others...and, back in the day, devoted to the high school he loved, led, and inspired. As the years passed, Ed evolved into a man for all seasons, a Renaissance man: voracious reader (book stores a nirvana for him), inveterate world traveler (cultural diversity, international cuisine, and fine wines as treasured pleasures), consummate San Francisco aficionado, and so much more. From Ed's condo atop Russian Hill, sitting on the window seat he could view the Golden Gate Bridge, fog slowly moving in. And as his health went downhill, Ed spent a good amount of time gazing out at the spectacular view--body relaxed, spirits lifted. He would often say to me, "Al, I'm so lucky!"  ~ Alan Ellis


"Horrible news. Very sad.  I remember him as a kind and gentle person."  ~ Phyllis (Rogers) Moore


"I will never forget being in Mr. Jackson's History class when the announcement came over the loud-speaker of Kennedy's death. Ed left for church immediately. He will always hold a special place in my heart." ~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon   


"I have such fond memories of Ed and I’m so sorry to hear this sad news. My thoughts and prayers to him and his family" ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser


"He made a positive impression for all of us who came in contact with him. He was one of my only bright spots in high school." ~Sheron (Hart) Morris


"Ed is such a nice person. I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family." ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson


"Ed always treated everyone with kindness!" ~ Larry Benevento


"The image of Ed in the photo you sent along looks just like Ed as I remember him: Genuine, giving, honest." ~ Robert Enger


"How very sad. Ed was a good friend since we were little folk on Fairmont Ave. He always had extra brains, wit, and promise. May our paths cross in heaven" ~ Pat Plant


"Ed, Jeff and Sally Mitchell were my next door neighbors growing up on Fairmont Ave. Always had fun in their circular Doughboy Pool in their backyard, raising chickens or pigeons (can't remember which) in a shed in their deep back yard and playing catch. Sally was my pretend redheaded older sister whenever we went shopping. Great memories of a great family. RIP" ~ Rick Devenney SC’71)


"Very sorry to hear of Ed’s passing. I spent many hours with Jeff and his siblings Ed and Sally. Fun family. Prayers" ~ Michael Neily (SC’63)


"Ed was in my Cub Scouts Den in 1957. Good guy. RIP" ~ James Kilburg (SC’66)


"I am saddened! Ed was always kind to everyone!" ~ Larry Benevento


“Ed was such a warm friendly and caring guy who we all loved! Our thoughts and prayers are with his family!” ~ Lynn (Walker) North


“Cub scout meetings at Ed’s house when his dad was Cub-master were always special and always fun. Ed was one of the smartest people I ever knew. His passing is a real loss.” ~ James Cost


“Very sad. I remember Ed. May he Rest In Peace.”  ~  Jeanne (Anderson) Chisum (SC’68)


"I wanted to add my condolences to the many in Ed Mitchell's passing. I didn't know Ed until my arrival at SCHS in our Junior year, but it didn't take long to understand that Ed Mitchell was one of the most talented, smartest, fun loving, laid back, individuals at San Carlos, and yet so energetic and capable as well. All of these things made him the ideal leader that he was. As life would have it, he ended up in San Francisco (my birth place) and I ended up in so many other places, but getting your e-mail of Ed's death and seeing his picture made me realize that I missed out on getting to know a great person a lot better.

Please pass on my my thoughts and prayers to Ed's family and friends." ~ Ed Gallagher


"I have fond memories of Ed at Tierra Linda and at San Carlos High. Loved his zany humor and quick wit. Very sad to hear of his passing to soon." ~ Dianna Smith

"Beautifully done, Durward. Sad for the loss of a gentle, funny guy, and a ginger (only a few of us)." ~ Victoria Jones

James Baker

July 26, 2020

Classmate Memories of James:

"Jim and I shared the same Yugoslavian background (his Mom and my Dad) and that was the source of many years of teasing and jokes. His Mom and Grandmother were close family friends. Jimmy was like a cousin. So sorry to hear of his passing....such a great guy." ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel


"We had lockers close together ' I remember he had a great sense of humor' my condolences to his family RIP" ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


"Jim was a wonderful guy – a gentle soul to be sure.  I have a number of memories of Jim, but my most vivid occurred one Saturday morning during our senior year.  Jim had been after me to take him surfing, which several of us did virtually every weekend.  Jim rented a board for the day and we added it to the other five on top of Ron Woolsey’s huge Oldsmobile and we’re off flying down the Bayshore when Jim, riding shotgun, turns to me and as casually as could be softly says ‘ there go the boards’.  I turn around and six surfboards are flying in the air, cars careening all directions, following by boards exploding as they hit the pavement.  Jim’s rented board,  found under a stopped car whose driver was ripping us with seemingly unlimited expletives, had a vast amount road debris ground into the fiberglass – no surprise Jim now owned the board and we never made the beach that day.  Jim was also fond of pointing out his uncanny resemblance to one David Marks who was the original rhythm guitar player for the Beach Boys – Marks is the second from the left on the Surfer Girl album cover you can access with this link.  Great guy and a good friend." ~ Steve Sutherland

Shelden Simons

July 8, 2020

We are saddened to hear that our ‘65 Classmate, Shelden Simons, has passed away on July 8, 2020.  Shelden lived in the Philippines with his wife Lorna, and she  provided these details about his passing in a message to our class: “It is very painful on my part to loose a very loving husband whom I loved very much for 15 years. Until now I still could not accept that he was gone. The cause of his death was very low sugar. I was not at home when his sugar went very low to number 3 only. That is why his brain collapse and he has a heart attack and stroke.  He was brought to the hospital by my neighbor. My neighbor called the ambulance. He was comatose for 3 days and recovered after that. The problem is he was infected of covid virus in the hospital. He only lasted for 14 days in the hospital but the hospital bill was very high. Shelden was admitted in the hospital June 23 but he died July 8.  I suspected that because he was infected of covid in the hospital his body give up. He was intubated and complications of kidney arose."

Classmate Memories of Shelden:

"That is so sad. I know he was so happy with Lorna. RIP Sheldon" ~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

Robert Bussell 

April 10, 2020

Classmate Memories of Robert:

"My lifetime friend Robert Dean Bussell (Bob Bussell) left us on 4-10-20. We grew up together in Emerald Hills RC, and attended Mt Carmel Catholic School in RC. Moving on we attended San Carlos HS. Both of us served in Vietnam, we are Brothers. Too many stories to share here right now. Just wanted to pass on info to friends on here that remember Bob.

A Zoom memorial is planned, and I will send info out for those who would value it." ~ Steve Hazelton


"So sad to hear this. Bob was a great guy. Peace to you and his family" ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel


"Sorry to hear about Bob. He was a fun guy in HS, always liked him. Did not know he went to ‘Nam. Best wishes for you and Bob’s family." ~James Cost


"Rest in Peace Vietnam brother in arms." ~ Dave Cranfield 

Judy Einzig
March 18, 2020

Classmate Memories of Judy:

“Saddened learn just now via FB that one of my childhood friends has passed away. JUDY EINZIG was a member of the San Carlos High School class of 1965. Judy live 3 doors down from me on St. Francis Way in San Carlos. She was a fun girl and her mom was a kick. I called her mom “sarge” because she was tough like an army drill instructor and took crap from no one. She always had my number but was still so nice to me. Judy and I stayed close on FB encouraging each other on our respective causes. She never married and lived alone in San Francisco. She was found unconscious at home and later died in ICU. A sad departure for such a smart outgoing person. Here is her HS graduation picture which is how I’ll always remember her. Rest in peace with your mom.”  ~ James Cost


"I do remember her well as a sweet and kind person." ~ Lynn (Rasey) Weitzenberg 


"That makes me so sad. I remember talking to her at one of our reunions. I always thought she was one of the smartest girls in our class."

~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson


"Corky, that was a lovely tribute to a terrific lady. Judy was the sweetest! What a very sad loss. My deepest condolences to her family and her friends." ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser


"I'm in tears. I just called her. Friends since Central School in the 5th grade." ~ Kathy (Casey) Pacheco


"I’m so sorry to hear! Judy lived life with passion and purpose. Gone way too soon." ~ Robin (Rae) MacRae


"She and I were good friends ' she has a sister named Barbara ' I was so maddened to read this' I didn't know she was ill' incredibly smart & a true feminist' I will miss her 'RIP" ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


"She was a lovely smart committed to change and helping others kind of woman. Very very sad to read this news. May she rest in peace" ~ Lisa Wenner


"So sad to hear. She was so friendly to everyone and always seemed happy." ~ Gary Kenney


"She was always so friendly and kind to me. I was sad to hear of her passing" ~ Diane (Arieta) Gibbons


"Always liked Judy so much. Had some interesting conversations with her at a couple of the reunions. She marched to the beat of her own drum. Very smart lady. Rest In Peace." ~ Sallie (Reiter) Thomas


"Oh this is so sad. May Judy rest in peace. She will be missed." ~ Laueir (Edmonds) Johnson


"Sad. She was a kind and generous friend. May she Rest In Peace." ~ Kathy (Sullivan) Bringhurst


"Judy and I became friends at SCHS and remained close until her untimely death. One vivid high school memory is of us creating a modern dance routine for PE class set to “Meadowland”, a Russian anthem.  Judy’s mother was a force of nature. She befriended me while my mom suffered from terminal cancer during my high school years. I always felt welcome at their home.  Judy was politically active and was articulate and analytical. Recently she had become deeply involved with Judaism. She was passionate about becoming a vegan. She will be missed."

~ Barbara Bennett

Steve Carnevale
June 16, 2019

Classmate Memories of Steve:

"Steve grew up around the corner from me on Geneva Ave in San Carlos, and over the years we enjoyed many fun times playing on the street in our neighborhood with other '65 SC classmates: Alan Ellis, Jim Alaura, Dave Oberg and others .  Steve was active in sports and did especially well on our high school varsity gymnastics team.  He will be missed. " ~ Gary Lindberg  


"So sorry to hear about Steve. He was a good friend and we shared a lot of classes together including PE.  He will surely be missed." ~ Joe Munday


"I’m so sorry to hear the sad news. We had a couple of classes together, and I think it speaks to what a great guy he was that I can’t remember what either class was, but I have fond memories of him. My deepest condolences to his family and friends." ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser


"One of the neighborhood kids I knew most of my life. Always a fun guy. Had coffee with him a few years back to reminisce. He looked great. I will cherish the memories." ~ James Cost


"I'm saddened to hear this.   I knew Steve from gymnastics of course.  He was a very humble guy, soft spoken and serious.  I remember that he and his brother (I think it was Dave?)   were FANTASTIC water skier.   I'm talking world class.   Again, very humble when complimented. My deepest sympathies go out to his family and loved ones". ~ Cliff Castle 


"I'm sorry to hear about Steve's passing. He lived right around the block from me on Geneva. I lived on Chestnut Street. We used to play together alot in the fifth and sixth grade.  Am I correct in thinking he became a school teacher? I have many happy memories of playing " army men " with Steve as a kids. He was a really funny guy! He had a great sense of humor and was always fun to hang around with."  ~ Steve Sanders


"I’m sorry to hear. Steve was a very nice guy in high school." ~ Claudette Bergman


"He told Jim Buckley and me about his brother getting killed in Vietnam. It freaked Jimmy and me out so much we joined the Air Force the next day." ~ Larry Medina


"A good guy. We were classmates through much of elementary school." ~ Julia Frisch (SC'64)


"Secret gorgeous! Saddened by his passing." ~ Kathy (Sullivan) Bringhurst


"I remember him well. He was on the team with Billy Tungate and Bob Hammond :(((( sad to hear. He was in the locker room after school while the varsity baseball had practice each day too." 

~ Jim Kilburg (SC'66)Hide or report this


"So sorry to hear this. Gone way too heart and thoughts go out to his family in this difficult time. I have so many great memories of the Carnevale family. It's so sad" ~ Pam Bradley (SC'64)'m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Classmate Memories of Anita:

“Anita's passing is very hard on me.  We have been communicating on a regular basis over the past nine years as she helped me with ideas for our class website and other SC High projects.  She became a close friend to both my wife and me, always sensitive, kind, and generous with her words and actions.   Anita was a proficient webmaster, with vast technical knowledge and a high degree of professionalism.   She built websites for events hosted by her community, various other public services and private businesses.  Anita transferred to San Carlos High from Carlmont in our Junior year, and she always expressed her love for our 'beautiful hilltop school'.  In 2011 she helped narrate one of the first videos we made for our class, "Walking Up Melendy", which you can find on this site’s Classmate Memories page.  Thank you Anita, for everything, you will be missed . . .”     ~ Gary Lindberg

Anita (Cecil) Lock
June 5, 2019

“So sorry to hear of her passing. I remember her as a lovely person.”   ~ Lisa Wenner


“OMG. It's been over a year since we last spoke. She was a dear friend in high school, and it was wonderful to reconnect via this site and hear again her lovely voice and humor. She was a talented writer along with her many other gifts. I am very sad to learn of her passing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I do have one vivid memory, and I don't think she would mind me telling. We got very drunk on rum, which I'm sure we stole from her parents' stock after they went to bed, and the last thing I remembered was holding my nose and gulping. We awoke on the floor covered in our vomit. That was my first drink ever. We obviously didn't know what we were doing and were fortunate to survive it. I never drank rum again. Thank you Anita for being you. I loved you.”   ~ Judith (Price) Green


“Anita and I dated a few times and we always had fun. She was easy to talk to and had a great sense of humor. Why she dated a hood like me was always a mystery.”   ~ James Cost

Brent Bosin
March 27, 2019

Classmate Memories of Brent:

"What sad news.  I always thought Brent was such a terrific guy.  My deepest condolences to his family and friends"

~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

Paul Cervenka
December 23, 2018

Classmate Memories of Paul:

"I remember Paul from school, we used to hang out, he was a good friend of Johnny Grecio. I am saddened by this news, but hope that he and Johnny will reunite and be cruiseng the heavens together!"   Fondly, Judi (Vignali) Lockhart  


“So sad to hear this. I just spoke with Paul downtown RWC, not so long ago, Life is so unpredictable” ~ Terry Kurtz


“What a sad loss. My deepest condolences go to his family and friends” ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

"Sad to hear this" ~ Dennis Park

“So sad to lose another classmate. I would occasionally see Paul at the grocery store. RIP Paul” ~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

“I would see him all the time in redwood city.” ~ Larry Medina

“I am sad to hear this. Rest in Peace Paul.” ~ Gary Kenney

"Saddened by the loss of one of my old friends x husband Paul Cervenka. I met Paul when my friend Sharon and I would cruise El Camino every Friday night and stop in at the A&W. Paul Would come over to her side of the car and talk with her and his friend then Gerry Wills would come over to my side of the car and try to talk to me and ask me out and stuff. I said no for year. So to make a long story short Paul and Sharon and Gerry and I went around for years together till we were about 35 years old and soon parted our own ways. Except for Sharon and I have still kept that friendship even until two weeks ago when she came to see me in Reno. RIP Paul Cervenka." ~ Jackie Martin-Reed

Nancy (Zimmerman) Pietrzkowski
July 15, 2018

Classmate Memories of Nancy:

“I remember when Nancy’s dad picked up a bunch of us girls, put all of us in the back of his truck and took us to the beach. We had a ball (of course these days you can’t ride in the back of a truck - talk about getting a ticket).  I also remember the beautiful sewing done by Nancy, her mom and grandma. They even made me some clothes which I loved.  Going back in my old photos there was a party that Nancy had September 5, 1964. It was such a good time. It included a few classmates and we danced the night away - Nancy and I loved to party and dance. December 18, 1964 was the Christmas Ball and we celebrated my birthday that evening even though I had a broken arm. Nancy was a great help to me that evening.  Then April 10, 1965 was the Senior Ball at the San Mateo Elks Club .  Wayne and  I double dated which Nancy and her date Richard,  Everyone looked wonderful.  And on June 18, 1965 we celebrated graduation and grad night. 

A lot of wonderful memories from our high school days.   Nancy, may you rest in peace”. ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson


"Sad at her loss. She was a good friend. I had gotten back in touch with her the last couple of years and though she was experiencing health issues she was always upbeat, just as she was when we were in school." ~ Jim Tubb

"What a sad loss. I remember her as such a truly kind person with a great giggle. My deepest condolences to her family and friends" ~ Shelly (Althouse) Oberholser

"To her family, 'may God give you peace'. She is in a better place." ~ Sandie Krutman

Tim Nill
May 28, 2018

Classmate Memories of Tim:

"Tim and I became friends in the 7th grade, we both had a passion for classic cars.  In high school Tim bought a 1931 Lincoln LaBaron which was a total basket case.  It took many years but Tim restored that car to like new condition.  I enjoyed Tim's friendship and I will miss him" ~  Paul Schumacher

Sally (Zieminski) Askevold
May 23, 2018

Classmate Memories of Sally:

"She led a wonderful life!" ~ James Cost


"It was difficult to call Gary with this information about an old close friend who was such a sweetheart .....owed her a long overdue "check-in" phone call and was reminded in a very difficult way to always return a phone call and stay in touch with old friends and just never know......May she Rest in Peace.."  ~ Candy Peterson-Hofer


“I’m heartbroken to hear this sad news. The Zieminskis were our next door neighbors in Emerald Hills, and Sally was our favorite babysitter. Sister Joan and I were in SC class of ‘70. Sister Annie and my sister Joan were in class of ‘71. We spent many happy times in each other’s homes and yards as children. Hugs to the family.”    ~ Barbara Clark McCandless (SC'70)

Classmate Memories of Joe:

"This is sad" ~ Dave Cranfield


"I am sad too. It seemed so sudden. Barbara, if you see this, how can we honor Joe? Any specific charity he would have liked to receive donations?" ~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon


"I will miss Joe’s posts. He was a fun guy to be with in high school and lived an interesting life." ~ James Cost


"I'm so saddened by this news - Joe & I had a fabulous conversation at the reunion - and kept in touch by email afterwards - I will miss our correspondence & miss his spirit RIP Joe. 💛 Barbara thank you for taking care of him & being by his side" ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker." ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


"I wish I had seen Joe more often. He came to my birthday party last year and it was so good to see him. I, too, enjoyed his posts. He will be missed. Thank you to Barbara for being with Joe." 

~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson


"I am so saddened by this. Joe was such a good man. I will miss him at the Iron Gate dancing the night away. He will be watching down now on all of us. Thank you so much Barbara for looking me up this evening at Banjos. It was such a pleasure to meet the family. May Joe Rest In Peace now." ~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson


"After transferring to San Carlos from Woodside, I was fortunate enough to meet Joe in our Spanish class, I'm not sure that we learned a lot, but Joe turned out to be one of my first friends at SC. I will remember him as a great guy with a great sense of humor." ~ Ed Gallagher


"My prayers and thoughts are with Joe and his family. God bless his life and grace he gave to all how knew Joe." ~ Alan Nix


"Sorry to hear about Joe. I remember him well.  A great sense of humor." ~ Dave Bishop

Joe Faubion
March 13, 2018

Elizabeth (Olgardt) Lewis
December 22, 2017

We are saddened to learn that our ‘65 classmate, Elizabeth (Olgardt) Lewis, passed away in 2017.  We recently received the email below from Elizabeth’s brother Joe Olgardt:

"I am sorry to inform you that my sister, Elizabeth Lewis, died a few years ago. Elizabeth died on 12/22/2017.  She is survived by her son, Joe Lewis.  Her siblings are Jacquie Rolle (deceased), Sheri Lagassey and Joe Olgardt. We miss her very much!!”

In high school Elizabeth participated in many activities including the Publicity and Junior  Boards, Fashion Shows, the creation of our Don Carlos school newspaper and the class yearbook.   She also played on several Girls Sports teams and was in our campus play “The Wizard of Oz”.  May Elizabeth rest in peace.

Classmate Memories of Elizabeth

"I remember her, nice girl." ` James Cost


"Betty was in my PE class ' I remember her being quiet & helpful" ~ Dorian Stonebraker

"She certainly contributed a great deal to San Carlos High. Very sad to learn she is no longer with us but her spirit lives on. Blessings upon her family." ~ Sondra Sakala (SC'63)

"Betty and her family lived next door to mine on Canyon Road for years. Such a nice family and Betty was so sweet. Sad for her passing. The article also states her sister Jaquie has passed. also a lovely neighbor." ~ Joanne Price

Bob Montgomery
September 20, 2017

Classmate Memories of Bob:

"What a sad loss. I had a couple of classes with Bob over the years, and he was such a terrific guy. My deepest condolences to Janie, his family, and friends" ~ Shelley Althouse Oberholser


"Dear Janie, I am so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. He was such a great guy in high school, I always liked him. I was very happy you two married. I got to meet one of your sons in the 1990s and was impressed. I wish you the peace of God and that you are comforted by the wonderful memories of Bob and of all the people who loved him." ~ Corky Cost


"Janie, Always together in this life and the next. Wishing you love,support and comfort in the days ahead.  I had hoped to see you two at the 50th reunion…..Peace" ~ Claudette Bergman


"Dear Janie, Such a beautiful love story the two of you wrote. My heart goes out to you and your family" ~  Pam (Patrick) Tremmel


"When we were at he St Mathias teen club we best friends. Since I was the first to drive we double dated with Janie and Linda through out our teens. Lots of great memories." ~ Steve Hazelton


"I remember when Bob and Janie started dating and heard about those double dates. I never knew Bob well but saw a lifetime love and marriage between him and Janie. God bless him and Janie and their family." ~Julie Triano

Robert Zunino
September 20, 2017

Classmate Memories of Robert:

"I am sad to announce that my dear friend and fellow SCHS alumni Bob Zunino passed on September 16, 2017 in Calaveras county. RIP Bob" ~ Robert's friend Tom Vannucci  


"I called Bob , the Italian stallion!  He was so good looking and had a little bit of the bad boy steak!  Girls loved him ! So it only made sense to be his friend , so I could meet girls! He and I used to drive our teachers crazy by joking around in class! I have fond memories of Bob and hope he had a good life!  ~ Larry Benevento


"I think every girl in our class had a secret crush on Bob Zunino. He had that edgy aura of "a bad boy" (don't tell Miss Johnson I said "that word"). He was our version of The Fonz...Rest in peace Bob" ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel


"Bob was the handsome bad boy all the girls wanted to date. He drove a green convertible MGB TR4. When we graduated we hung out together belonging with group of kids that called ourselves the RMSSA. The red mountain ski and sex association or red mountain snow skiing (for our parents). Oh, we were young. He was our Jean-Claude Killy, that boy could ski, that was were his heart was.  Hung out with friends at San Jose state and at his parents cabin in Miwok. Hope your life was filled with joy and happiness." ~ Kellie (Keeler) Mattson

Peter Jordan
July 23, 2017

Classmate Memories of Peter:

"After graduating from San Carlos High, Pete attended College of San Mateo for three years, and then transferred to Stanford. He graduated in 1970 with a degree in History. After spending time in the US Army Reserves, Pete attended pharmacy school at UCSF, and became a pharmacist. He worked at Stanford Hospital for over 30 years before retiring in about 2007 when Alzheimer's was first diagnosed. He died July 23, 2017 at the age of 70.  He is survived by his wife, two sons & daughters-in-law, four grandchildren, and five siblings. He enjoyed world travel, Stanford sports, tennis, the beach, a good glass of wine, a good margarita, and, most of all, his family.  Pete Jordan's memorial service will be held on Friday, September 1, 2017 at the Church of the Epiphany in San Carlos, 10:00 am."  ~ Herb Perry (friend of Peter)

David Faussone
April 10, 2017

Classmate Memories of David:

"It is with great sadness that I post this message. Our brother, David Faussone, my oldest friend, and my co-worker of more than 25 years, past away today. I already miss him. We attended high school together and have been friends for more than 50 years. During that time, we have laughed often, raised families, and enjoyed many adventures together. Too soon he left to travel beyond where we can see, but it's all about the journey forever riding free. Rest in Peace my friend..." ~ Gary Kenney

"At every reunion event I have attended over years , Dave always made it a point to come over and say "hi" . Sorry to hear of his passing . I just remember his great dry sense of humor"  ~ Steven Sanders


"Great guy. He will be missed. By his Facebook posting you could tell he was a great family man who loved his family very much."  

~ Joe Faubion


"David has been in my heart since hearing the news. David was always friendly to all and made you feel good. Thank you David for making us feel we were all your friend." ~ Kellie (Keeler) Mattson


"I sat in front of Dave in Drafting class my sophomore year.  I think Gary sat to Dave’s left.  They were always talking. 

Later he got me a job working with him a Pizza Pete’s on El Camino Real in San Carlos.  My first job.  He helped me deal with the pressure of working in a restaurant.  He was a very energetic and kind person.   I am sorry he has left us." ~  Joel Fritsche


"It was wonderful seeing Dave at our 50th reunion just a year and a half ago. Same vibrant, humorous, likable and warm guy as he was 52 years ago. Rest in peace old friend." ~ Dave Cranfield

John Rehbock
February 4, 2017

Classmate Memories of John:

"I do remember John.  I thought he was a quiet and gentle guy." ~ Sally (Zieminski) Askevoid


"Sincere condolences to John's loved ones on his passing.  RIP John." ~ Simone Best


"I am very sad to hear of John's passing.  He invited me to a school dance in our sophomore year which was actually my first 'date' in high school.  His Dad drove us and picked us up.  He was a very nice, sweet and handsome young man and I have never forgotten him.  My condolences to his loved ones." ~ Beatrice (Neff) Trautman


"I met John in our sophomore year and we became and remained close friends until his passing.  John was an intellectual, an artist and a true gentleman." ~ Paul Schumacher

CaroLyn Johnson
November 24, 2016

Classmate Memories of CaroLyn:

"So sorry to hear, she was my neighbor at the other end of Chestnut St. in identical house to ours with flat top roof, I'm sure she's dancing in heaven out of her wheel chair, rest in peace..." ~ Bette Galvin-Cates


"Carolyn and I go all the way back to White Oaks School. Friends all through school. Became FB friends last year and enjoyed her and her rescue animals. She revealed that she had a crush on me in elementary school & used to walk by my house on St Francis Way hoping to see me. What a sweetie. I hope she's at peace and surrounded by her animals." ~ James Cost


"She live down the block on Chestnut from me in High School and used to hang out with her. For some reason, I became friends with her and quite a few others ( Karen Williams) who went to the Mormon Church (not my spiritual path!) She had quite a life after this, but returned to it later in her life. I'll always see and hear her wonderful laugh!" ~ Kathy (Casey) Pacheco


"She was friendly and animated and wonderful to talk with at our reunion. I loved her tales about her rescue animals. A lovely woman. Condolences to her family..". ~ Lisa Wenner


"CaroLyn Johnson a special soul with a smile and big heart. She found delight in others, loved Gary and definitely her animals. I know she will be missed." ~ Sue Magruder


"Carolyn and I have been close friends since we were 12 years old. We've stayed in each other's lives even after she moved to Utah, with occasional visits. I am so shocked.....even though she has had some serious health issues she was dealing with, she looked and sounded her usual bubbly self when she was here for the reunion. She is once again reunited with her precious Jenny. I will miss you dear friend" ~ Teresa Gill


"Very sorry to hear of Carolyn's passing.  I was seated next to her at the 50th Reunion.  She had great stories of their animal sanctuary.  She will be dearly missed.  My thoughts to her family." ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer


"Like Betty Galvin , I also grew up on Chestnut Street and the Johnsons were my neighbors. I spoke with Carolyn at the 50th Reunion and I must admit it took me awhile to recognize her , having not seen her in all those many years . She was as sharp as ever and immediately knew who I was and brought me up to date on her life in Utah with the rescued animals . In spite of her obvious health issues , she genuinely seemed to be enjoying herself . What I recall most about Carolyn was her great and distinct laugh . My late brother Bruce , class of '69 , and I used to play with Carolyn's younger brother Robert almost every day growing up . I spent many hours hanging out between our two houses , having water fights and making model airplanes . I remember Carolyn had an older brother named Johnny , who we all thought was really cool , and of course , to me , they all seemed so tall ! My sympathies to Carolyn's family , you have lost a very gentle soul" ~ Steve Sanders 


"Do you remember Ruthie Kidder, didn't we have a slumber party at her house and watch Psycho? I remember her smile and laugh too and it was so wonderful visiting with her at the reunion." ~ Julie Triano


"Carolyn was a wonderful and warm person. Her first husband was my brother-in- laws brother. Our whole family loved her. We are all sad to here of her passing but know she has earned her spot in a better place!" ~ Joe Faubion


"What very sad news. I remembered her so well from HS. At that time, her dream was to be a shoe designer, and she used to draw the most beautiful pics of her designs. She had a great laugh and was one of those kids that made you feel special for knowing her. It was great to see her again at the reunion. We ran into each other in the Ladies Room, (I know, but it happens) and ended up having a 45 minute conversation. Other women would walk in and join us in the conversation. What an amazing life she had! My condolences to her family and friends" ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser

Paul Martin
October 13, 2016

Thank you for having sent San Carlos High information to my brother Paul Martin throughout the years, but I am sorry to say that Paul passed away in October of 2016, after a brave battle against pancreatic cancer.

Our family left Redwood City in August of 1965. To my understanding Paul was not in touch with his classmates from that time, though he always had great memories of San Carlos, and kept track of the school from afar, and was sorry he was not able to go to college in the area. Paul graduated from Arizona State University in 1970, and worked in a number of areas during his life — education, tennis, and retail — before becoming a paralegal for the Maricopa County Prosecutors Office, from where he retired.

His kindness, generosity, and unwavering sense of curiosity are greatly missed. 

Sincerely, Steven Martin

Classmate Memories of Paul:

“I didn’t know Paul, but this lovely tribute to him makes me wish I had. My deepest condolences to his family and friends”. ~ Shelly (Althouse) Oberholser


"So sorry to lose another classmate.  God bless" ~ Sharon (Scharetz) Wells


"Sorry to hear Paul passed on" ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer

Sheila Carr
August 17, 2016

Classmate Memories of Sheila:

"Just wanted to let you know, my sister Sheila L. Carr passed away on August 17, 2016. I had been taking care of  both her and my Dad. They passed within three weeks of each other. Dad had a good life and was 98!!! I was class of 67’ and remember those days well." ~ Margene (Carr) Sinclair (SC'67)


"I remember her well. She was quiet, thoughtful, and very kind. She was also very darling. I remember her walk too.~ Judith (Price) Green


"Sheila was a wonderful person. Thoughts to her family" ~ Joani (Whitmore) Sawyer


"She was such a nice person. Always enjoyed talking to her."  ~ James Cost

Steve Wipfler
February 19, 2016

Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson received a note from Steve's wife Patty that Steve had passed away from lung cancer in February 2016.

Classmate Memories of Steve:

"Steve was always friendly and had a smile for everyone!" ~ Larry Benevento

Cheryl (Morsette) Peterson
February 14, 2016

Classmate Memories of Cheryl:

"Cheryl and Fred were such good friends and I have fond memories of them both.  In our younger years we would party together at their place in Half Moon Bay, then later Foster City.  And they always attended our annual January party here in Redwood City.  Fred passed some years ago, but Cheryl and I always remained close. She will be missed."

~ Laurie (Edmonds) Johnson

Richard Cook
November 7, 2015

Craig Larson
October 5, 2015

Classmate Memories of Craig:

"I remember during high school Craig worked at the original Henry's Hamburgers in San Carlos. 15 cent burgers with a hole in the middle of the patty. RIP old friend." ~ Dave Cranfield


"I'm so sorry to hear of this loss. He was such a sweet guy and a good buddy. Rest in peace, Craig"  ~ Shelley (Althouse)  Oberholser


"He was a great guy funny very open & natural"  ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


"He was such a SWEET guy. He made dinner for me once. It was a date I will always remember. He was a very good chef."

 ~ CaroLyn Johnson

Janalee (Farmer) Evans
October 5, 2015

Ray Johnson
September 20, 2015

Classmate Memories of Ray:

Ray and I were close friends in high school. Along with John Calkins, we were the three musketeers. I was lucky to have visited with Ray a couple of months ago. My condolences to Ray's family. I will fondly remember him. Later my friend... ~ Gary Kenney


Very sorry to hear of Ray's passing. He and I were San Carlos High School chums in the last century. We were on the swimming team together back then and I played soccer with his older and late brother Bruce. Not to mention some memorable teenage antics. At that time Ray lived on Madera Avenue in San Carlos and I was one street away on Pine Avenue. Was really looking forward to seeing him at our 50th high school reunion in the bay area next month. Those of us attending will remember our friend Ray.  ~ Dave Cranfield

Mark Alpen
October 13, 2014

A message from Mark's daughter, Erin (Alpen) Stensler:

   "We are still not quite sure what happened, but in the early evening on Saturday Oct 4, he was riding south home to Escondido when he lost control of his motorcycle. We don't know if the chain broke (causing loss of control), or if someone clipped him, or if he was cut off and had to brake suddenly, or what. He slid across 5 lanes of traffic into a concrete barrier and flew off the bike. His physical injuries were severe but not unrecoverable; he always wore a highly reflective suit of riding armor and a full helmet. Unfortunately he hit the barrier and highway so hard that even his helmet could not fully protect him, and he had much diffuse bruising in his brain as well as a large bruise on his brain stem, which would have prevented him from breathing on his own and regaining much (if any) cognitive function. He was unconscious when EMTs arrived and remained in a coma until we disconnected life support on Monday, Oct 13.

   He served in the Army in Vietnam in 1967-69 and married my mother in 1969, his high school sweetheart; I have a younger sister, Kerry. My parents divorced in 1994 and he had been with his partner Ellen since then, though they never married. Ellen has three grandkids that he considers his own, as well as my two girls (my sister has no children yet). He was a carpenter and engineer for most of his life; for the last 8-10 years he has owned his own woodworking business, M&E Fine Woodworking. He was a member of the WetLeather motorcycle group, an online group; motorcycles and sailing were his other passions (besides woodworking). He was gregarious, outgoing, and whip-smart, and always willing to lend ideas or help someone learn.

   My daughter Hannah saw a rainbow this afternoon and attributed it to Pop-pop. I'd like to think she's right.  Go well, Daddy. I love you, always." ~ Erin and Brian Stensler 


Read all about Mark's 2008 Baja Mexico motorcycle adventure at this ink:  Phil Kopp

Classmate Memories of Mark:
"He was a great friend I will never forget." ~ Ron Healy

Candy (Garcia) Kunz
August 13, 2014

We are deeply saddened to learn that our '65 classmate Candice (Garcia) Kunz  has passed away.  This information became available in the process of conducting our attendance survey for next year's 50th Reunion.  Our survey letter to Candice was returned, and in calling her to get an updated address, Candice's husband Craig gave us the bad news that Candice lost a two and a half year long battle with cancer and had passed away on August 13, 2014.

Classmate Memories of Candice: 

“Candy was a sweetheart and a person I will remember who had an ever present smile and vibrant personality.  She lived on Eaton Avenue, so I didn't know her during elementary school, nor do I remember her attending Tierra Linda for 7th and 8th grades.  We had freshman English in the same class (Mrs. Eberling?).  Candy helped me get through The Merchant of Venice by teaching me to simplify Shakespeare's writing by reading only the first syllable of The Kings English words for easier interpretation.  When my then girlfriend's father was killed in an airline crash in 1964, it was Candy who sought me out after a class to break the news to me, hold my hand and escort me to the admin office so I could leave school that day.  Throughout high school, when we passed in the halls or the courtyard I would wave to her and she always returned the greeting with a wink and a broad grin.  At a class reunion some time back, Candy was conversing with a group of alum's when she noticed me and gave me that wink and a grin again.  A few minutes later she planted a kiss on my lips and gave me the warmest hug I had in years.  Anyone remember her white 1964 Mustang?  She was the very first Mustang Sally. Rest in peace, dear friend. “  ~ Dave Cranfield


"I had no idea that she had cancer. I ran into her all of the time when I lived in the same area at Nob Hill or the cardioligists office that she worked at when I was in marketing for the Drug and alcohol program. It was nice to see he alot and we never did get together. I have many great memories of her. I am just flabbergasted at the moment."
~ Julie Triano 


"I hated every day of high school. Candy brought a little sunlight to my days. She always greeted me with a smile and "hi". She is a bright memory in my mind. She will be missed."
~ Kathy (McCreagh) Kennedy


"Candy and I had so much fun together on and off campus I will miss you laughing lady RIP" ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


"She was a wonderful lady! She will be missed! RIP Candy." ~ Jackie (Martin) Reed


"Candy was one of the cool kids in our class, and if you knew Candy, some of that cool rubbed off on you. It's hard to think of that warm smile of hers being gone. My deepest condolences to her family and friends." ~ Rochelle (Althouse) Oberholser


"Candy was the BEST, always thoughtful and always least that is how I remember her. May you rest in peace lovely lady." ~ Gail (Conrad) Ayres


"I knew Candy ever since grade school.  She was the cutest thing you ever saw! So sorry to hear about her death." ~ Cliff Castle


"I also remember her smile and bubbly personality. I last saw her years ago at the Pioneer Saloon in Woodside. I believe her son was playing in a band the same night my daughter's boyfriend was playing." ~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

Gib Lilly
August 12, 2014

His daughter Deborah provided the following pictures of Gib and these memories of her Dad: "My Dad was an easy going, fun loving kind of guy, always trying to be funny or laughing.  He was a smart man and a hard worker. When younger, he liked to hunt pheasant and liked to go bowling. He was an avid sports fan and a fantastic cribbage card player. He was a man loved by all and he loved everyone in return. He will be greatly missed by all, but will always be in our hearts and never forgotten." 

Karen (Williams) Suddjian
May 23, 2014

Classmate Memories of Karen:

"Karen was a good friend of mine in P.E.. The best part was when we played volleyball for 2 years. Either she or I was the captain of the volleyball team. Rest.In.Peace Karen, you will be missed." ~ Jackie Martin-Reed


"I remember Karen fondly. What a sad loss. My condolences to her family." ~ Rochelle (Althouse) Oberholster


"Karen was a shy young woman and I met her in Junior High. I stayed overnight at her house a few times and at some point we went separate ways. She had in the last few years messaged me and thanked me for being so kind to her. Well, how could I not ? I considered her a friend always and was hoping to reconnect. See how quickly our time is going ? I am saddened to hear of her passing." ~ Julie Triano

Richard Stewart
April 11, 2014

Classmate Memories of Rick:

"Rick wrote in my senior yearbook, “It’s too bad I didn’t get to know you better. You are the kind of girl that I like and would like to know better.”  I knew who Rick was in high school but did not know him all that well.  I feel so fortunate to have gotten to know him better after high school.   Rick was there at so many of the San Carlos High reunion parties as well as with a bunch of us who “crashed” the Sequoia Reunion, and the more recent multi-school Class of 65 turns 65 event.  The last time I was Rick was in October at the San Carlos Art & Wine Festival.  I’ve been looking at pictures from the past and have several with Rick, Mitch Davis and Alan Davis.  Such great memories!   Rick will be missed." ~Ruth (Pellizzer)  Swanson

"Rick and I were in the same freshman English class, when our teacher, Mr. Juan Kaska announced to the class that SCHS was going to form the first school varsity and junior varsity soccer squads. Mr. Kaska further announced that he and Mr. Cosco were going to be the coaches. Both were classroom teachers and used their classes as recruitment platforms to enlist the boys to try out for the teams.  In 1961, soccer in our suburbs was not a very well known or popular game. We had an idea about how they game worked, but no real grasp or sense of the rules. After all, how can a player be “off sides” while running down the field with the player moving the ball? How do you “dribble” with your feet? Penalty kicks, free kicks and goal kicks were all foreign to most of us.  Rick must have played the game before high school. While the coaches taught us the rules, it was Rick who taught us soccer greenhorns the practical moves on the field.  I played JV soccer on the same team as Rick in our freshman and sophomore years. While we did not have stellar results, we had fun. Rick went on to play varsity as a junior and senior.  Over the years, it was a pleasure to see Rick at our reunions and especially the 65 turns 65 celebration in 2012.  My condolences to Rick's son Jamie and long time friend Judy.  Rest in peace fellow Vietnam Vet, classmate and Don teammate." ~ Dave Cranfield

"I do remember Rick and he was always very kind to me.  What a nice person he was.  I remember (too) Judy and Julie Clark.  I wish that I knew him in the later years.  So many of our friends are passing and I always wish that I had been in touch with them."

~ Kathy (McCreagh) Kennedy

"Thank you for sending me the sad news about Rick.  We weren't close, but we were courtyard buddies.  Whenever we saw each other on campus, we'd stop and exchange pleasantries. The guy was a crack-up; he had a great sense of humor and always made me laugh.  My condolences go out to his family, and my deepest sympathies to Judy Clark.  It was lovely that you two found each other, but I'm so, so sorry you lost him so soon.  And I'd like to thank Rick, even posthumously, for his service in Viet Nam. I'm sorry I didn't get to say "Welcome home." ~ Rochelle (Althouse) Oberholser


"My dad, Mitchell Davis, would be very sad to hear this news, but I am sure that they will have a great time in the heretoafter!  They were dear friends. I remember Rick being very upset that my dad spelled his own son's name Stuart and not "Stewart".  Thanks for letting me stay in the loop with my father's classmates." ~ Inga Davis


"Thank you so much for forwarding this message to me. Though I left the area shortly after my graduation in 1965, I do remember my relationship with Rick as we played baseball and soccer together. I also remember his wry smile and competitiveness on and off the field. My condolences are extended to his family and to those who knew him." ~ Robert Enger


"As a late arrival at SCHS joining the class of '65 in the Fall of 1964, I knew very few of you. I was very fortunate, however,  to have played soccer with Rick during the winter season. Rick was one of the best players in the SPAL, and was voted all conference that year (actually, we both were, but no one was more surprised than I was about it). I went on to play a few seasons at Berkeley, but I never had a better teammate. My condolences to his friends and family." ~ Scott Robinson, '65

"I found this picture of a trip to Tijuana in the Spring of 1966. That is Rick sitting in the corner ,then Mike Korkorian, Me, Joe Faubion and Joe Agius. I just remember being freaked out that we we could possibly get mugged. We did manage to lose some money bribing a corrupt cop and not going to jail. A long funny story involving some quick thinking on Mike Barty's part! If I remember right Paul Judge and John Greco, among others were there. This all happened before we all went into the service! With Ricks' passing I just thought it would be neat to see us in a time when we were young and in our glory,ready to take on the world but mostly just having fun! Rick had visited Mike Barty and myself ,up here in Oregon, sometime in early 2003 or 2004. I was sorry to hear of his passing." ~ Steven Sanders

Ron Popp
March 21, 2014

Classmate Memories of Ron:

"Ron Popp and I both played clarinet at McKinley in the All City Honor Orchestra – 53 years ago!  We probably marched together in the Redwood City 4th of July parade.  I think we did that 2 years in a row while at McKinley.  So very sad…" ~ Phyllis (Rogers) Moore 

David Barsocchini
January 27, 2014

"My brother David Barsocchini class of 1965 passed away in Sunnyvale from a heart attack back in 2014.

He left 3 kids, 7 grandkids. We miss him every day…"  Susan Luna

Classmate Memories of David:

"You will be missed by Class of '65 at San Carlos High and we will always remember you."

~ Kim (Martin) Walker

Barbara Welge
January 16, 2014

Barbara's brother Bob Welge (SC High '70) provided this brief biography of Barbara's life after high school:

Barbara moved to Hollywood after high school to pursue her dream of acting. She took on the stage name of "Barbara Wells" and was successful in landing small roles in theater, TV, and movie productions. At one point early in her career she was offered the "Dodge Girl" part in the car company's advertising campaign, but she declined the offer to continue her acting career. Eventually she transitioned to the business world and accepted the position of Sales Manager for the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel, where she worked for over a decade. Later, after returning briefly to the Bay Area, she moved up to Grants Pass, Oregon to care for her ailing mother who had developed Alzheimer's disease. Over the last 15 years Barbara cared for her mother as the disease progressed. While caring for her mother, Barbara developed pulmonary disease in 2013 and passed away on January 16, 2014. Her mother passed away a few months later.

Barbara appeared in the early scenes of the 1971 Lassie TV series episode "The Day of Disaster" 

Classmate Memories of Barbara:

"I'm so sorry to hear this news. I remember her great smile, sense of humor, and enthusiasm for anything she tried."

~ Louise (Andrews) Harmon


"I knew Barbara throughout elementary and High School, but several of us were wondering what happened to her afterwards. She was so talented,and had a wonderful voice. During a summer before our junior year in high school, several of us worked for the Circle Star Theater (in a trailer before it opened!). We would ride around in Barbara's hot chevy (think loud muffler) down Industrial Road, during our lunch hour. This news is very sad to hear."  

~ Kathy (Casey) Pacheco

"So sad to hear this news. I thought of her and wondered from time to time where she was and what she was doing with her life. I always thought of her as a young person. She wanted so much to sing and act. She had a lovely voice and a winning way."

~ Lisa Wenner


"What a loss. My enduring memory of Barbara; we were in some class or other together, and one day, just before everyone had to take their seats, she was jokingly flirting with one of the boys by putting her hands together under her chin, batting her eyes and singing that song from "Oliver!" -- "I'd do anything for you dear . . . ." in that amazing voice of hers. Everyone laughed and applauded, and my lifelong crushing disappointment at not being able to sing was born. My deepest condolences to her family and friends."

~ Rochelle (Althouse) Oberholser 

Linda (Leichtle) Hazelton
November 26, 2012

Classmate Memories of Linda:

"Thank you Janie. Linda was so outgoing and likeable. When I was a shy 13 year old at Tierra Linda Linda became my friend and remained so for many years after. She and I used to make clear taffy and I have vivid images of her and I pulling taffy on my back porch. She also came up and rode my horses with me. She always got Buddy who would always never want to run. We got him to a couple of times. One day He put his foot right down on Linda's. I picked it up and smacked him a little. Linda was fine. We had many adventerous times. She was there when I had my baby daughter so very young and there for all lifes events after that. I have missed her love and friendship for a very long time. Janie was part of our group that would drive to school together and go to lunch at the deli in San Carlos. I am so blessed to have know Linda and Janie and Claudette. Sharon Spence also."  ~ Julie Triano

Bruce Dyck
November 10, 2012

Classmate Memories of Bruce:

"Bruce was indeed a prankster and a charismatic one at that. I remember when he talked many of his football teammates into shaving their heads before our senior football season, including myself. He was the only one I ever let do that. I admired his leadership qualities maybe I was even a bit envious of what a ladies man he was. I too will miss him. I am only sorry I didn't see him again after San Carlos".   ~ George Crooks


"Thank you for this sad message.  I played freshman football with Bruce and got to know him enough then to know he was a great guy as well as a good athlete.  I didn't know anything about his family life, or his occupation, or his game-hunting as reported in the obituary.  I never would have guessed he would find his way to the Wyoming mountains leading big game hunts, but then I probably wouldn't have guessed the trajectory of anyone else's life then, including my own.  It's fascinating to read and learn about what classmates have done since those golden days on the Hill, and thank you for sending this news about Bruce, even though it is unhappy.  It sounds as though he led a full and interesting life, and that I would have expected for him."   ~ Ed Mitchell


"Sorry to hear of Bruce's death.  He was part of a group of friends in HS.   Yes he was an athlete, very fun, and light hearted.  I have him in memories of his HS Sweetheart as Sue Trapani.   They were both very popular approachable young people.   I have him in mind with Jim Talboy, Barry Prince, and others from the Farm Hill area and Emerald Lake neighborhood.   Thank you for letting us know." ~ Janie Franklin Montgomery

"My family moved onto Pleasant Hill Road in Farm Hills when our class was in fourth grade. Bruce and his family lived straight east, on Glennan. Bruce was a welcoming presence in the neighborhood. He organized epic games of “Ditch ‘em,” (hide and seek on a massive scale), involving 30 or 40 kids and a territory that measured four blocks by four blocks, including streets of finished suburban houses and streets in various stages of development, from fully framed to freshly poured foundations to merely staked with dug plumbing ditches (very helpful).  And backyards were not off-limits. Many is the time when we dove through somebody‘s front yard shrubbery, after the opposing warriors had passed by and were headed up street, opened the side gate, sprinted across the backyard (and waved to the owners if they happened to be out barbecuing), vaulted the fence, and did the same across the adjacent yard to gain the next block.  Games lasted hours. 
Thank you, Bruce, for all those great, exciting hours. I’m glad to hear that your hunting instinct — from Ditch ‘em and your football stardom to the Bighorn Mountains — enriched your life. 
    Fond memories and great respect, my friend."  ~ Durward Brandis

Tony Cowan
July 1, 2012

COWAN, ANTHONY 'TONY' PASCAL Mr. Anthony 'Tony' Pascal Cowan passed away on July 1st, 2012 in Spokane, WA. Tony was born April 18th, 1947 in San Francisco, CA to his beloved parents Leila and Pascal Cowan. He was raised in a strong and loving family in Redwood City, CA where four generations of Cowans' thrived. Tony moved to Albuquerque, NM in 1976 where he received his MA, RN, DOM, and Acupuncture degrees. He went on to own and operate a holistic home health care agency, Cowan Clinic, for 30 years. He cherished his vocation and the families he worked with. Tony's approach to his work wasn't just as a health care provider, but as a friend. His passion and his fire in life was to help others and bring light into their lives. Throughout his life, Tony's greatest joy was providing service to the community; be it as a carpenter, a healer, or a friend. Tony lived a full life, making every day count and taking every breath with a sense of gratitude. He lived with a grace and strength admired by all who knew him. In 2007, Tony moved back to the Pacific Northwest to successfully pursue his lifelong dream of building a family ranch.  In his time in Spokane, Tony worked at 

Spokane Veterans Home and volunteered with the Make-A-Wish foundation. Tony was an adventurer and an avid lover of the great outdoors. Sharing this joy with his friends and his family. He spent his spare time trekking through mountains, rivers and canyons of New Mexico, Colorado, and Washington. Much like climbing a mountain, Tony always saw every obstacle or challenge, including his battle with cancer, as an adventure to be taken on head first with optimism, humor, and love. Tony is survived by his daughter Molly Amanda; brother Covey; sisters Martha Haymond and Darlene Cowan; niece Megan Cowan; and nephews Jeff, Joshua, and Sam Cowan; Jill Wolverton and Timothy Partridge. He was preceded in death by his beloved parents Pascal and Leila Cowan. Please consider making a donation in memory of Tony Cowan to either the Wounded Warrior Project or Make-A-Wish Foundation.  Tony was also a Vietnam Vet.

Classmate Memories of Tony:
"Tony and I spent a lot of time together. He introduced me to surf music. So many fun times together. His life had real meaning. Great guy and great family." ~ James Cost

"I was saddened to learn of Tony's passing . I remember driving around in the old green '49 Chrysler convertible . Man, that car was a tank ! We affectionately called Tony, Pascal, like his Dad . Tony and Covey lived in a little house behind his parents larger place , where they often gathered a crowd and plans were made on how we would run amok  . I also remember his parents being quite elderly back in the day , maybe in their sixties . (Close to our age now ?) Mike Barty was telling me a funny story about Tony ordering a pizza over the phone in a hilarious fake but somewhat accurate Italian accent . Mike Kirkorian remembered emptying a bunch of fireworks  of their black powder , putting said black powder into a cardboard box and attempting to light it by throwing matches into it from a short distance away . Mike decides Tony is being overly cautious and grabs the matches out of his hand . Needless to say after many failed try's , Kirkorian reached in to the box with a lit match and whoosh it explodes , resulting in Mike receiving a badly burned hand which still bares the scars today . Yes, kids your grandparents didn't always make the best decisions but we sure had fun. ( We have the scars to prove it ! ) Tony was a sensitive soul with a great sense of humor . I admired him for what he did with his life . In my mind he will always be young with that great big grin on his face . Sorry we didn't get to spend more time together but life just keeps rushing forward . Goodbye old friend !" ~ Steve Sanders

Ron Sidoff
June 8, 2012

Ron was in the Class of '65 and attended San Carlos High during our Sophomore year.  His family has advised that Ron passed from a heart attack in his Eureka home.  The above memory was submitted by Ron's cousin, Gerry Wills.

Edith (Hinman) Duncan
March 10, 2012

Classmate Memories of Edith:

"Sorry to hear about Edie, she was one of my first friends at San Carlos when I transferred over from Carlmont. I remember several hair coloring episodes, rolled skirts and that she was quite a nice person. She will be missed."  ~ Sue (Carrere) Magruder


"I felt a tear well up in my eyes when I heard about Edie.   She was my first girl friend. We used to dance in her basement to the Everly Brothers "Cathy's Clown“.   To this day I think of her every time I hear that song.   I hope she has had a good life ... She deserved one.  Good bye old friend."   ~ Larry Benevento


"I first met Edith in seventh or eighth grade at Terra Linda; what a heart pounding beauty!   I remember being VERY jealous of Larry Benevento.  Once she let me brush her hair; I took the flip right out of her hairdo – she didn’t see the humor in it at the time.  May she rest in real peace!!!“   ~ Tim Penning

Mitch Davis
October 6, 2011

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our classmate, Mitch Davis, on Thursday, October 6th,  Mitch was severely injured in motorcycle accident and passed away while in intensive care at Stanford University Hospital.  Mitch was an active San Carlos High '65 alumnus and  regular participant in class social events and reunions.  He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Dear San Carlos High, Class of 1965,

I am IngerMarie Davis, daughter of Lisa Aspoy and Mitch Davis.  He died in a tragic accident on October 1st. My brother, sister and I know that he was loved by many.

My dad LOVED the class reunions.  He brought me to a couple, and always told me all about them.  He treasured connecting with his classmates.

If anyone is interested in making a contribution in his honor, his family feels confident and would be delighted that any contribution be made to the class reunion fund.

Thanks for being a great friend to my dad!

Best wishes,


Mitch loved dancing to the Rip-TiDEs

Michael Day
September 12, 2011

Classmate memories of Mike:

"Hello friends and classmates,

It is with much sadness that I share with you that we lost another classmate.  Mike Day passed away on September 12th in Texas from complications from lung cancer.  Mike shared with me earlier this year that he was diagnosed with lung cancer in January 2010 and had his left lung removed in March.  He endured complications from surgery during the next several months and, then most unexpectedly in August, he lost his wife, Cathy, to a blood clot.  Mike informed me that, after months of chemo, his CAT scan in January 2011 showed no signs of any cancer, and he was so positive about the rest of his life.  For those who knew Mike, he was a wonderful, fun loving person.  He was my first boyfriend in the 8th grade.  He will be missed by many.  Rest in peace, my friend."  ~ Ruth (Pellizzer) Swanson

Carolyn (Schmidt) Warmington
May 15, 2011

Published in San Luis Obispo Tribune on May 25, 2011:
"Carolyn Jean Warmington was born in May 1947 in San Mateo, and died after a courageous battle with cancer May 15, 2011, at her home. She was a member of the Central Coast Reining Horse Association, American Quarter Horse Association and the Sierra Club. Above all else, Carolyn loved her horses and horseback riding. She also loved all things in nature and was an avid bird watcher, hiker and amateur naturalist. She was also an avid and accomplished ''plein aire'' artist and loved the light and scenery of the Central Coast. She enjoyed the camaraderie of riding her horses and painting with friends. Carolyn is survived by her daughter, Kimberlee (Morse) Priest of Napa, Calif.; and sisters Kathy Kelly of Creswell, Ore., and Susan Wiley of Hillsboro, Ore."

Classmate memories of Carolyn:

"I first met Carolyn (Schmitty) during freshman year.  Think she lived out at the end of Eaton on some acreage where they kept horses.  She was a darling girl.  She was crazy about horses then and it sounds like she got to spend much of her life after high school doing what she loved...caring for and working with horses, enjoying nature, and pursuing her art." ~ Linda (Partch) Chiodo

Rick Lind
April 16, 2011

Classmate memories of Rick:

"I was saddened to learn of Rick’s passing.  I had been searching for him since we lost contact in 1998.  Rick was a very big part of my life growing up.  We were best friends from Jr. High School on.  He was a fun guy who had really diverse interests.  When we were 12, we pooled $20 and bought a 1948 Cushman motor scooter.  We pushed it home to his house on Eaton and tore it apart and amazingly got it running.  We painted and reupholstered it and later sold it for $50. We then moved up to mopeds, Vespas, and eventually English motorcycles and cars. Rick had a really cool 1959 El Camino.  

  We were boy scouts together and love hiking and camping.  We once took a three day trek though Desolation Valley in the Sierras using a ancient Forestry Service map for the trail markers. We survived and had a great time. In 1961 we went to the Boy Scout National Jamboree in Colorado. First time for both of us on a plane, a 4-engine prop job.

  Rick was a great hunter and every fall we would go to his uncle’s ranch in Lodi and hunt Doves in September and pheasants in November.  We spent most of the summer at my parents cabin in Tamarack Pines near Echo Lake.

  Rick was a hard worker and mowed lawns and had a paper route. He had a great family. I’m sure we all remember his mother Marge Lind who was one of the SCHS secretaries. He also washed the limos at his dad’s mortuary, White Oaks Chapel (St. Francis & ECR).

  Rick and I were bad boys but not too bad. Stole hubcaps in Emerald Lake, made out own gunpowder, illegal fireworks and rockets and got suspended by Mr. Murray for wearing “illegal club jackets”.  On the day we were suspended, we went hunting in Lodi, so all in all not a bad day.

  We both went to college in Colorado and Rick was a great skier and majored in mining sciences.  We both loved Colorado especially being able to drink beer at 18.  We must have taken the Coors Brewery tour 10 times just to get free beer at the end.

  After I read your email, I spent the day just remembering all the things we did and all the fun we had growing up together.  Rick is gone now but will forever be in my heart. Good-bye old friend." ~ James (Corky) Cost

Steve Ehlers
November 18, 2010

Classmate memories of Steve:

"He was my 1st Kiss ' in the Wattenburgs' backyard ' I was almost 15 ' will always remember that" ~ Dorie (Pride) Stonebreaker


“The Ehlers were my neighbors from across the street. Debbie was my best friend at one time. . .. Steve was into cars since childhood. He'd tinker on them in the driveway for hours. He will be missed.”  ~ Elena (McCord) Garnache (SC’72)


"Dick Holm & I spent a lot of time with Steve when he was married to Denise!! A lot of spaghetti dinners, we were all pretty much counting pennies.  Condolences, Steve RIP” ~ Gail (Conrad) Ayres

Dale (Beirne) Gordon
August 19, 2010

Richard Pit (Pitsker)
August 31, 2008

Anthony Brackett
September 15, 2007

Anthone “Tony” Brackett, (SC-1965), passed away in his sleep at his beloved Leek Springs Lookout on September 15, 2007. Tony was born in San Francisco and grew up in Redwood City. While serving 2 tours of duty with the U.S. Army’s 9th Division Infantry, Tony rose to  the rank of Sergeant, and earned 7 medals, including the Gallantry Cross and Purple Heart along with others associated with his unit and the Viet Nam Campaign. In 1981 Tony moved to Amador county and in 1992 started to work for the US Forest Service as the Leek Springs Fire  Lookout. An avid collector of photos and stories of Fire  Lookouts, he also hosted many field trips at the Lookout  for local school children.

Richard Dreyer
February 1, 2007

Sheldon Frisella
July 6, 2006

Thomas "Tucker" Barrett
September 29, 2005

Mary (Laboure) Burke
January 10, 2005

Classmate memories of Mary:

"That infectious laugh...I will never forget it. Mary and I had many classes together and always sat in back so we could "critique" what was going on, not very quietly's a wonder we didn't get sent to Ms. Johnson's office more often. The one memory that stands out was when Hugh O'Brian (Wyatt Earp) appeared at grad night. He said he was going to pick someone to come up on stage with him. Mary and I were sitting next to each other...he pointed to me and she just pushed me out of the way and ran up to get his hug...laughing all the way. So sad to hear this news. Mary was a dear, sweet, wonderful personality who was taken much too soon." ~ Pam (Patrich) Tremmel


"What sad news. Mary was such a delight. She had an amazingly infectious laugh and brightened every room she was in. My belated condolences to her family and friends" ~ Shelley (Althouse) Oberholser


"I just remember she had a presence about her, usually a smile, and could be counted on for something funny.  Sorry to hear about her passing." ~ Sue (Carrere) Magruder

John Louis Greco
June 23, 2002

Classmate Memories of Louis: 

"I noticed on the San Carlos Class of 65 site that Louis Greco had passed away.  It's always so sad to hear of the passing of a co-worker or school mate so I just wanted to add that I remember Louis from my PE class in 1965.  A bit of a rascal but fun to be around."  ~ Charlie Karelitz, SC High '66


"John Louis Greco ,or Johnny to his friends, passed away on June 23, 2002 . After about a 2 year battle with pancreatic cancer John gave up the fight . His funeral was held at St. Pius on June the 26th . Many former San Carlos High grads attended, including Mike Kirkorian, Paul Judge, Dick Lacina, Kirk Galaway, Paula Allen and Mary Lou Lacina (Stumbaugh) . Myself , along with Mike Barty, Phil Thomas and Johns' son Dominic were the pallbearers . Someone even mentioned that the Mayor of Redwood City was in attendance .  John is survived by his lovely wife Deborah and his beautiful children Dominic , Angela  and Gina . A long time fan of both the 49ers and the Giants , we made sure we draped his coffin with a team cap and jacket , not to mention Grateful Dead tickets . I can hardly believe it has been almost 12 years ! He was my "phone a friend life line" and I think of him often with affection . Those who knew just loved his humor and warmth . He was truly blessed with a wealth of friends . I am proud to say I loved my friend , brother and co-conspirator."  ~  Steve Sanders

Rick Maguire
June 18, 1998

U.S. Open official Rick Maguire dies suddenly


Friday, June 19, 1998

Flags at the Olympic Club were lowered to half staff in memory of U.S. Open vice chairman Rick Maguire, who died of a heart attack at his San Carlos home Thursday morning.  Maguire, 51, had emceed an Olympic membership party Wednesday night and appeared to be in good health. But he reportedly had the heart attack as he was preparing to return for the start of the tournament.  "This is just a huge loss for the U.S. Open and the Olympic Club," said USGA spokesman Jon Barker. "He put so much time and energy into this. I considered him a good friend, and I know he had so many good friends in the Bay Area."

Jim Innis, who served as an Open vice chairman along with Maguire and Mark Avelar, said, "This is just absolutely devastating. We had worked together the last two and a half years preparing for this Open, and two years on two tournament championships before that. So we had a six or seven-year association.

"As far as I know, he never had any health problems. He was a robust, active guy. After we got the news of his death, we just sat around crying. We couldn't even talk. He was just a helluva guy. It's a tribute to him that things are going as well here as they are."

Barker said that Maguire, a 19-year Olympic Club member who owned a Burger King in Daly City, would be remembered Sunday on the Open's final day with a moment of silence during the prize presentations.

Classmate memories of Rick:

"I knew Rick most of this life.  He lived about 3 blocks from me in the White Oaks Area of SC and went to St. Charles School.  Instead of going to Serra HS, which his folks wanted, he went to SCHS.  He was an excellent basketball player, getting two letters.  During high school he worked for Bartels and Blaine who owned all the local A&Ws.  He continued to work for them after graduation and became an officer of the corporation.  He later bought his own Burger King Restaurant and was very successful.  He was a champion golfer and water skier.  He married Cheryl Katz (SCHS Class of '66) in 1968 and had three great children." ~ James Cost

Thomas Andre

Bill Lampman

We do not have Bill's obituary, but he was mentioned in a news article on the accidental death of his daughter Kathy.

Scott Goldsmith
May 25, 1977

Classmate Memories of Scott: 

"I remember many years ago when Scott Goldsmith passed.  He was a gentle and a kind friend who I had grown up with since kindergarten at Clifford Elementary school, then McKinley Jr. High then San Carlos High.  I remember his younger brother, Jay and his father, John, and his mother Jinney.  They lived on Cordilleras Road across from the Catholic church. I wish I had been there for him in his hard times.  I think he was an Architecture student at Berkeley and life got hard for him.  I don’t know why.   I would have shared his burdens had I known."  

~ Joel Fritsche

Stan Pajdak
December 11, 1976

Classmate Memories of Stan: 

"I became a close friend of Stan's during my Junior year at San Carlos High.  He was, like most of us, full of life and pretty much unafraid of anything.  He was a natural born mechanic, and what he could not fix by the book, he jury rigged until he had the problem solved.  He somehow convinced me that we could swap out the automatic transmission in my car, install a manual shift gear box (Hurst shifter and all), in just one evening in his folks garage........and darned if he didn't get it done!  Stan was the kind of chap who would (literally - he once did to me) give you the coat off of his back.


Shortly after graduation Stan did a tour of duty with the U.S. Navy (we went through boot camp together - good fortune smiled on him as he went to Naval airborne units, and I ended up with the Naval amphibious forces).  Stan then was stationed on aircraft carriers, at Miramar Naval Air Station, and at the Cubi Point Naval Air Station in the Philippines.  While stationed at Miramar, he met his soon to be wife Lorraine who was attending the University of San Diego. She eventually joined Stan in the Philippines.  While in the service, Stan earned his aircraft and power plant certification and after spending a few years back in the Bay Area, he moved with his wife to Kauai in 1973. 


As Stan was a certified aircraft mechanic he was able to work in that field after moving to Hawaii, and ultimately became a full time fireman.  Stan also obtained his private pilots license and purchased his own Grumman American Yankee aircraft. 


I last saw Stan and his wife during a visit to Oahu, whereupon he had flown his plane for a quick visit.  I chided him for flying that single engine aircraft across the open ocean, but that was just how Stan was.


I received a phone call the day after Stan went missing while on a recreational flight over Kauai, and it was confirmed to me that he had perished when his plane crashed into a

ridge.  Sometime later I visited Kauai, and as I too had a pilots license, rented a plane and flew to the spot where his plane was became a sort of closure for me to see this place , and a chance to say a final 'farewell' to a pal, and a great friend."  ~ Dennis Park

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