Missing - Please Help
We have lost contact with our classmates listed below. If you know how to get in touch with any of them, please help by providing their contact information to us (email address schigh1965@gmail.com). Thanks!
Robert Addison
Joan Bedros
Kathleen Davis
Nancy Donohue
Gary Edwards
Terry Evans
Susan (Flynn) Scott
John Gilmore
Don (Ric) Harmon
Ruth (Herbig) Weston
Ken Hiscock
Bonnie (Holland) Loving
Douglas Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Eunice (Kataoka) SekiParker
Madeleine (Katen) Spaulding
Gerald Lemieux
David Lombardi
Christine (Maness) Olsen
Bruce Marelich
Geraldine (Markland) Clapp
Karlene (McIntosh) Gay
Dave McKay
Christopher Meyer
Barbara (Moffett) Brown
Mike Morrys
Diane (Munson) Silva
Eileen (Nelson) Wilcox
Karen (Ohran) Moore
Betty (Olgardt) Lewis
Ann (Peterson) Linquist
Jacques Reiss
Linda Rogers
Charles Roten
Paul Schulz
Janet (Sindt) Olson
Georgina Smith
Bob Sommer
Charlotte (Sproul) Gogstetter
Jon Stromgren
Deborah Stubbe
David Swinney
Steve Taylor
Victoria (Thomas) Olson
Greg Webster
Dawn (Walters) Miller
Mary Wilson
Wherever you are, we'd love to hear from you .